Technical Information Database TI125D.txt - Patch for include file not found by Turbo Debugger Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :All Product : Description: This handout describes the patches needed in order for Turbo Pascal version 5.0 to generate the correct debug information so that a $Include file in a user defined unit can be found by Turbo Debugger. Two patches are supplied, one for TURBO.EXE and one for TPC.EXE. Both patches should be made using the DOS utility, DEBUG on copies of the original .EXE files. Notes: 1. DEBUG is not case sensitive to upper and lower case. All addresses are listed in upper case for ease of readability. All addresses are in hexadecimal. 2. While in DEBUG, the prompt will appear as a dash (-). 3. If you do not receive the appropriate response, press "q" followed byto quit. TURBO.EXE Patch 1. Rename TURBO.EXE to TURBO.BIN (DEBUG will not allow modifications to be made to a .EXE file.) Prompt>ren turbo.exe turbo.bin 2. Load TURBO.BIN into DEBUG with the command: Prompt>debug turbo.bin 3. Display the registers by entering "r" at DEBUG's hyphen prompt. -r The system will respond with a display of the CPU register values. The following is an example: AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=0000 DX=0000 SP=FFEE BP=0000 ... DS=3C23 ES=3C23 SS=3C23 CS=3C23 IP=0100 NV UP ... Note the value of the CS register. Add 1000h to this value mentally; e.g., in the above example CS=3C23, then CS + 1000h is 4C23. This value will be referenced by ????. 4. At DEBUG's hyphen prompt, type: -a ????:A41E 5. Enter the following Assembler code when the address is displayed: ????:A41E cmp si,dx 6. Press a second time. 7. Write the modified code to disk by entering the following at the prompt: -w 8. Quit DEBUG by entering the following: -q 9. At the DOS prompt, rename the .BIN file back to the .EXE file with the following command: Prompt>ren turbo.bin turbo.exe TPC.EXE Patch 1. Rename TPC.EXE to TPC.BIN (DEBUG will not allow modifications to be made to an .EXE file.) Prompt>ren tpc.exe tpc.bin 2. Load TPC.BIN into DEBUG with the command: Prompt>debug tpc.bin 3. At DEBUG's hyphen prompt, type: -a a5d3 4. Enter the following Assembler code when the address is displayed: XXXX:A5D3 cmp si,dx 5. Press a second time. 6. Write the modified code to disk by entering the following at the prompt: -w 7. Quit DEBUG by entering the following: -q 8. At the DOS prompt, rename the .BIN file back to the .EXE file with the following command: Prompt>ren tpc.bin tpc.exe Reference: 3/30/99 4:01:16 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99