Technical Information Database TI179D.txt - editors.pas 3,4,5,6 entry patch for TP6. Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :All Product : Description: The following patch fixes the problem of not being able to enter numbers 3 through 6 into the editor of the EDITORS.PAS example shipped with Turbo Pascal 6.0. Open EDITORS.PAS in the TURBO editor and search for the EXISTING code. Once that is found change the EXISTING code to the CHANGE TO code. Save your changes and recompile EDITORS.PAS. EXISTING: EXISTING: LODSW var OR BL,BL Key: Word; JE 2 CMP BL,DL CHANGE TO: CHANGE TO: var ShiftState: Byte absolute LODSW $40:$17; CMP BL,DL Key: Word; -------------------------- -------------------------- EXISTING: EXISTING: JE 4 begin 2: CMP BH,DH Key := Event.KeyCode; JE 4 CHANGE TO: CHANGE TO: begin JE 4 if (ShiftState and $03 <> 0) CMP BH,DH and (Event.ScanCode >= $47) JE 4 and (Event.ScanCode <= $51) then Event.CharCode := #0; Key := Event.KeyCode; Reference: 3/30/99 4:02:24 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99