Technical Notes Database TN190D.txt SYSTEM LOCK RUNNING WITHIN IDE VS. DISK RUN Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 4.0+ Description: Q. Why does my program run fine at DOS but locks the machine when running from IDE? A. In most cases, this system crash is caused by a memory overwrite. The most common causes for memory overwrites are: 1. Indexes out of range (Turn range checking on {$R+}) 2. Uninitialized variables (Write an initialization proc) 3. Pointers out of bounds (Verify that pointers are not pointing outside of the heap space) 4. Improper use of FillChar (Be sure to use the SizeOf or Move function) 5. Illogical operations on strings Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:29 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99