Technical Information Database TI212B.txt Understanding the PARADOX.NET file with the BDE Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :BDE All Description: When using Paradox type table with the Borland Database Engine (BDE), a Paradox net file is used in the same way that Paradox does--to keep track of the number of users. Each Paradox and BDE user is given one count. So, for example, if three Paradox and three BDE users use the same Paradox net file, the user count would be six (one for each Paradox user, and one for each BDE user). The net file also regulates access to tables. Table access is enforced through the use of lock files, which are written out to the directories containing Paradox tables. A lock file points to a particular net file, which has exclusive control over the table. This means that any user wanting access to the table must use the net file that controls the table. If you are using Paradox for Windows 5.0 or greater, IDAPI is used for both Paradox and BDE. The "NET DIR" path is set in the IDAPICFG.EXE or BDECFG.EXE: BDE/IDAPI Configuration Utility. Once the configuration tool is running, hi-light PARADOX, which is in the "Driver Name" List Box on the "Drivers" page. Set the "NET DIR" path to a network drive where all users that are accessing the tables have write access to. If you are using an older version of Paradox for Windows, Paradox for DOS, or the Paradox Engine, use the appropriate method for each of these products to set the netfile path to the identical path that is set within the IDAPI/BDE Configuration Utility. In the case of two BDE programs sharing tables, the net paths must be identical. The message "Multiple Paradox net file found" (Error 0x2C06 or 11270: DBIERR_NETMULTIPLE) indicates that these rules have not been followed. If you are certain that all current users have the same net path, this message usually indicates that an old lock file exists that points to a different net file. Old lock files can be deleted if care is taken to ensure that no one is currently using them. Deleting active lock files can produce unpredictable results and could cause loss of data. Reference: 7/15/98 3:24:22 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99