Technical Information Database TI232D.txt How to Create a Listbox and Get a Double Click Category :TVISION Platform :All Product :Pascal All Description: { The following example demonstrates how to create a listbox of file items and enable the user to double click on any item. This produces a Message Box containing the listbox selected item. } {$X+} Program Simple_ListBox; Uses Objects, Drivers, Views, Menus, Dialogs, App, Crt, Dos, MsgBox; Const cmNewCollect = 102; Type TMyApp = object(TApplication) Constructor Init; Procedure Initstatusline; Virtual; Procedure Initmenubar; Virtual; Procedure NewCollect; Virtual; Procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); Virtual; End; PListBox = ^RListBox; RListBox = object(TListBox) Constructor Init(var Bounds:TRect; ANumCols:Word; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); Procedure Process; Destructor Done; Virtual; End; PMyDialog = ^MyDialog; MyDialog = object(TDialog) Constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; MyTitle:TTitleStr); Destructor Done; Virtual; Procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); Virtual; End; Var NameList: PStringCollection; PList: ^Rlistbox; MyApp: TMyApp; Constructor Mydialog.Init(var Bounds:TRect; MyTitle: TTitleStr); Begin TDialog.Init(Bounds, MyTitle); End; Destructor Mydialog.Done; Begin TDialog.Done; Dispose(NameList, Done); End; Procedure MyDialog.HandleEvent(var Event:TEvent); var Index: integer; Begin TDialog.HandleEvent(Event); if (Event.Double = true) and (Event.What = evNothing) then begin sound(100); delay(100); nosound; Index:=(PList^.Focused); Messagebox(PList^.GetText(Index,20) ,nil, mfOkButton); end; ClearEvent(Event); End; Constructor TMyApp.Init; Begin TApplication.Init; End; Constructor RListBox.Init(var Bounds:TRect; ANumCols:Word; AScrollBar: PScrollBar); Begin TListBox.Init(Bounds, ANumCols, AScrollBar); End; Destructor RListBox.Done; Begin TListBox.Done; End; Procedure TMyApp.InitStatusLine; Var R:TRect; Begin GetExtent(R); R.A.Y := R.B.Y -1; Statusline :=new(PStatusLine, init(R, NewStatusDef(0,$FFFF, NewStatusKey('~Alt-X~ Exit',kbAltX, cmQuit, NewStatusKey('~F10~ Menu',kbF10,cmMenu, Nil)),Nil) )); End; Procedure RListBox.Process; var DirInfo: SearchRec; Begin NameList:=New(PStringCollection, Init(50,10)); With NameList^ do Begin FindFirst('*.*', Archive, DirInfo); while DosError = 0 do Begin Insert(Newstr(Dirinfo.Name)); FindNext(DirInfo); End; End; End; Procedure TMyApp.NewCollect; Var MyBox: PMyDialog; R: TRect; PBorland: ^TScrollBar; Col: word; Begin Plist^.Process; R.Assign(10,10,60,20); MyBox := New(PMyDialog, Init(R, 'Scroll Collection')); Col:=1; R.Assign(40, 1, 41, 9); PBorland:= New(PScrollBar, Init(R)); R.Assign(9, 1, 40, 9); Plist:=New(PListbox, Init(R,Col,PBorland)); Plist^.Newlist(Namelist); MyBox^.Insert(PBorland); MyBox^.Insert(PList); Desktop^.Insert(MyBox); End; Procedure TMyApp.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); Begin TApplication.HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evCommand then Begin case Event.Command of cmNewCollect: Newcollect; else ClearEvent(Event); Exit; End; ClearEvent(Event); End; End; Procedure TMyApp.InitMenubar; var R: TRect; Begin GetExtent(R); R.B.Y := R.A.Y +1; MenuBar :=new(PMenubar, Init(R, Newmenu( NewSubMenu('~L~istbox Menu', hcNoContext, Newmenu( NewItem('~B~ox','',kbF9, cmnewcollect, hcnocontext, NewLine( NewItem('~E~xit','', kbf10, cmquit, hcnocontext, Nil)))), Nil)))); End; PRODUCT : Turbo Pascal NUMBER : 672 VERSION : 6.0 OS : MS/PC DOS DATE : June 23, 1994 PAGE : 2/5 TITLE : How to Create a Listbox and Get a Double Click Begin MyApp.Init; MyApp.Run; MyApp.Done; End. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:39 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99