Technical Information Database TI247B.txt BDE setup for Peer-To-Peer(Non-Dedicated) Networks Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :BDE 3.0 Description: Using a BDE32 Application on a Peer-To-Peer Network --------------------------------------------------- A Peer-To-Peer network (a network where each machine acts as a client and a server) can be one of the following, including other network platforms that are compatible with these: 1) Windows 95 2) Windows NT 3) Lantastic 4) Netware Lite The BDE automatically detects when tables reside on a network drive, but it cannot detect whether the tables are on a dedicated server or a server/client. Dedicated servers notify client applications that a file has been modified or locked. This functionality is not present in Peer-To-Peer (non-dedicated) networks. To achieve this functionality with Peer-To-Peer networks set "LOCAL SHARE" to TRUE in the BDE Configuration Utility on the System page. This must be done on all BDE clients that access the tables on networks listed above. This is not necessary for Novell File Server type networks. If the tables that are being used are Paradox, there must also be a directory used for network control. This directory must also reside on the network for all client applications to use. It is good practice to have a separate directory for the application, network, and tables. The following is an example: (Shared Directory) | |--- (Tables Directory) |--- (EXE Directory) |--- (Network Directory) There are two different BDE environments that must also be considered: 1) Using only BDE 32Bit applications. 2) Using BDE 32Bit applications along with BDE 16Bit applications. Setup for 32Bit Only Applications --------------------------------- The 32Bit BDE fully supports the UNC naming convention along with long file names. It is recommended that the UNC convention is used for all BDE network connections. UNC removes the need for mapped drives. This will allow access to the tables and network directory without the user being mapped to the drive. UNC has the following syntax: \\(server name)\(share name)\(path)+(file name) Here is a simple example of a standard BDE alias using UNC: Alias: MyUNCAlias Type: STANDARD Path: \\FooServer\FooShare\Sharedir\Tables Default Driver: Paradox The network directory can be setup in the same fashion: Drivers: Paradox Net Dir: \\FooServer\FooShare\Sharedir\NetDir The network directory can be set at runtime using session.netfiledir (Delphi) or DbiSetProp (C++ / Delphi) If for some reason UNC cannot be used with the 32Bit application, follow directions for using BDE 32Bit and 16Bit applications. Setup for 16Bit and 32Bit BDE Applications ------------------------------------------ Since the 16Bit Windows API does not support UNC, neither does the 16Bit BDE. To allow applications to share the tables, all clients must be mapped to the same directory on the server. If the server is also used as a client, all other clients must be mapped to the root of the drive. Drive letters from client to client do not have to be identical. Here are some examples of what will and will not work: Client1: Path: X:\ShareDir\Tables Client2: Path: X:\ShareDir\Tables This is OK Client1: (Also the machine with the tables): Path: C:\ShareDir\Tables Client2: Path: X:\ShareDir\Tables This is OK Client1: (Also the machine with the tables): Path: C:\ShareDir\Tables Client2: Path: X:\ShareDir\Tables Client3: Path: R:\ShareDir\Tables This is OK Client1: Path: X:\ShareDir\Tables Client2: Path: X:\Tables (Where X:\Tables is actually X:\ShareDir\Tables, but shared on the ShareDir directory) This will not work. The BDE must be able to make the same entry into the Network Control file. In Summary (setup for Peer-To-Peer networks): --------------------------------------------- 16 and / or 32Bit Applications: 1) Turn "LOCAL SHARE" to TRUE in the BDE Configuration Utility. 2) Do not use the UNC naming convention. 3) Do not use tables with long file names. 4) Make sure that all clients are mapped to the same directory on the server. 32Bit Only Applications: 1) Turn "LOCAL SHARE" to TRUE in the BDE Configuration Utility 2) Use the UNC naming convention to achieve a path to the network directory and table directory. If the above steps are not followed, users could be locked out of the tables getting error: "Directory is controlled by other .NET file." "File: (Path1) PDOXUSRS.LCK" "Directory: (Path2)" OR "Multiple .NET files in use." "File: (Path) PDOXUSRS.LCK" Reference: 7/15/98 3:24:23 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99