Technical Information Database TI249D.txt Change Foreground and Background Color Category :TVISION Platform :All Product :Pascal All Description: { This program will place a new foreground and background color and pattern on the desktop. It will also set the character that is displayed for the pattern. This example: the $05 defines the 0 for black foreground and the 5 for purple background. } program ColorManipulation; uses Dos, Objects, Drivers, Memory, Views, Menus, Dialogs, App; type PMyBack = ^TMyBack; TMyBack = object(TBackground) constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect); end; PMyApp = ^TMyApp; TMyApp = object(TApplication) MyBack: PMyBack; constructor Init; function GetPalette:PPalette; virtual; end; function TMyApp.GetPalette: PPalette; const MyBackColor : TPalette = CColor; { sets palette to CColor } { items } begin MyBackColor[1]:=#$05; { TBackGround Color Constant's first } { number is background and second is } { foreground } GetPalette := MyBackColor; end; constructor TMyBack.Init(var Bounds: TRect); begin TBackground.Init(Bounds, '?');{ places ASCII 178 char as } { pattern for text on desktop } end; constructor TMyApp.Init; var R:TRect; begin TApplication.Init; GetExtent(R); MyBack:= New(PMyBack, init(R)); Desktop^.Background:= MyBack; Desktop^.Insert(Desktop^.Background); end; var TheApp: TMyApp; begin TheApp.Init; TheApp.Run; TheApp.Done; end. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:40 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99