Technical Information Database TI258D.txt Simple Pick List Example Category :TVISION Platform :All Product :Pascal All Description: { The following example is to demonstrate the use of a Pick List. This Pick List will read a line of data and validate the field as well as keep a history of valid commands. } {$X+} Program PickListExample; uses Objects, App, Menus, Drivers, Views, Dialogs, MsgBox; type YourKeySet = set of char; const cmMakeDialog = 101; ValidSet : YourKeySet = [#0..#31,'0'..'9']; type PFInputLine = ^TFInputLine; TFInputLine = object(TInputLine) ValidKeys : YourKeySet; constructor Init(var Bounds: TRect; AMaxLen: integer; ChrSet: YourKeySet); procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual; procedure GetData(var Rec); virtual; procedure SetData(var Rec); virtual; function DataSize: word; virtual; end; PMyApp = ^TMyApp; TMyApp = object(TApplication) procedure InitMenuBar;virtual; procedure InitStatusLine;virtual; procedure MakeDialog; procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);virtual; end; constructor TFInputLine.Init(var Bounds: TRect; AMaxLen: integer; ChrSet: YourKeySet); begin TInputLine.Init(Bounds,AMaxLen); ValidKeys:= ChrSet; end; procedure TFInputLine.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); { Data validation handle event: Please note that validation happens BEFORE the parent is called. This ensures that the key is not trapped by the parent method. } var Number : longint; Code : integer; begin case Event.What of evKeyDown : begin if not(Event.CharCode in ValidKeys) then ClearEvent(Event) else if Data^ <> '' then begin val(Data^, Number, Code); if (Code <> 0) or (Number < 0) or (Number > 65535) then begin Data^ := ''; MessageBox('Valid number is 0 to 65536.',nil,mfOkButton); ClearEvent(Event); end; end; end; end; TInputLine.HandleEvent(Event); end; procedure TFInputLine.GetData(var Rec); var Code : integer; begin Val(Data^,word(Rec), Code); end; procedure TFInputLine.SetData(var Rec); begin Str(word(Rec),Data^); end; function TFInputLine.DataSize: word; begin DataSize := SizeOf(word); end; procedure TMyApp.InitMenuBar; var R: TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.B.Y := R.A.Y + 1; MenuBar := New(PMenuBar, Init(R, NewMenu( NewSubMenu('~T~est', hcNoContext, NewMenu( NewItem('~D~ialog','F2',kbF2,cmMakeDialog,hcNoContext, NewLine( NewItem('E~x~it', 'Alt-X', kbAltX, cmQuit, hcNoContext, nil)))),nil)))); end; procedure TMyApp.MakeDialog; var R : TRect; Dialog : PDialog; InputLine : PInputLine; Lable,Hist : PView; begin GetExtent(R); R.Assign(10,5,60,15); Dialog := New(PDialog,Init(R,'Demo Dialog')); With Dialog^ do begin R.Assign(5,4,20,5); InputLine := New(PFInputLine,Init(R,15,ValidSet)); Insert(InputLine); R.Assign(5,3,20,4); Lable := New(PLabel,Init(R,'InputLine',Inputline)); Insert(Lable); R.Assign(21,4,23,5); Hist := New(PHistory,Init(R,InputLine,0)); Insert(Hist); end; Desktop^.ExecView(Dialog); Dispose(Dialog,Done); end; procedure TMyApp.InitStatusLine; var R : TRect; begin GetExtent(R); R.A.Y := R.B.Y - 1; StatusLine := New(PStatusLine,Init(R, NewStatusDef(0,$FFFF, NewStatusKey('~A~lt-X',kbAltX,cmQuit, nil),nil))); end; procedure TMyApp.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); begin TApplication.HandleEvent(Event); if Event.What = evCommand then begin case Event.Command of cmMakeDialog: MakeDialog; else Exit; end; ClearEvent(Event); end; end; var MyApp: TMyApp; begin MyApp.Init; MyApp.Run; MyApp.Done; end. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:40 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99