Technical Information Database TI265B.txt Sharing Violation Error with Paradox Tables Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :BDE All Description: This error is most commonly caused by a "Lock File Contention". A lock file contention occurs in this situation: One user, User "A", is accessing one or more Paradox tables in a directory. "A" is closing the last table in the directory. The BDE detects that "A" is the last program accessing the tables in the directory. Since "A" is the last user on the tables, the .LCK files are going to be deleted. At this time, User "B" attempts to open a table in the same directory as "A" (who is about to delete the .LCK files). "B" opens the .LCK files to write an entry to. This is when "A" tries to delete the .LCK files that "B" has now opened. This will cause a sharing violation on the .LCK files. The share violation usually occurs on the last client to close the table. Solutions: One solution is to override Windows error routines and ignore the error. In all test cases, then a sharing violation occurs, the table is still opened or closed. Another solution is to keep the .LCK files in the table's directories. If the BDE detects that more than one Application (or Session) is using the tables, it will not attempt to delete the .LCK files therefore solving the problem. If the BDE and your Paradox table all reside on the same CPU another solution is turn off Local share in BDE Adminstrator. If Local Share is off .LCK files will not be created in the first place, so a sharing violation should not occur. Note that if tables are on a different CPU than the BDE setting Local Share has no significance because .LCK files are always created on remote drives. 1) C / C++ / Delphi / Paradox: Use the Windows API SetErrorMode passing the SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS constant. You would only need to do this before opening and closing a table and then check to see if the table has actually been open. Please see Routine 1a and 1b below for a basic Delphi (any version) routine or Routine 2a and 2b for C / C++ routines. Paradox users will need to call into the appropriate DLL where SetErrorMode resides. 2) C / C++ / Delphi / Paradox: Create a "Dummy" Paradox table in each table directory that the application uses. Example: executable is in directory C:MyProg. This executable opens tables in two different directories - C:MyTables and D:TempTbl. Create a "Dummy" table with the Database Desktop, or any other Paradox table creation utility, in both the C:MyTables and D:TempTbl directories. Once the tables are created, create an application that opens each of the "Dummy" programs at startup. Leave this program running at all times. If the executable can be placed on a server machine, like Windows NT, that is optimal. In this scenario, whenever applications are accessing the data, the server also has the "Dummy" tables open. 3) C / C++ / Delphi / Paradox: Leave at least one table during the entire application's run. Open one table during startup and close the table at exit. You could even open a "Dummy" table described above. 4) C / C++ / Delphi: Use DbiAcqPersistTableLock BDE function to create a lock on a table that does not exist (Delphi or C++ only). Syntax: (Delphi) Check(DbiAcqPersistTableLock(Database1.Handle, 'NoTable1.DB', szPARADOX)); (C++) rslt = DbiAcqPersistTableLock(hDb, 'NoTable2.DB', szPARADOX); NOTE: Each instance of the application must have a unique, non-existent table name or an attempt to place a lock in the directory will fail. If this method is used, an algorithm must be used to guarantee a unique table name. If a user can only run one instance of the program at a time, the network user name can be used as a table name. 5) Paradox ObjectPAL: If your application is apt to cause .LCK files to be created and deleted often, the easiest (and least resource-intensive) way to prevent this is to place a read lock on a non-existent table within the directory when your application starts up. (Paradox allows us to place semaphore locks on tables that don't exist.) Since read locks don't conflict with one another, all users can do this, and the net result will be that the .LCK file will not be deleted until the last user exits the system. Syntax: At program startup: Table.attach("DummyTbl.db") Table.lock(Read) At program shut-down: Table.unlock(Read) Table.unAttach NOTES - These are observations on the problem: 1) The problem does not seem to occur on NT workstation machines. The application can be either 16 or 32 bit. SetErrorMode seems to work with both cases. 2) The problem is more likely to occur if the network protocol is netBEUI. If possible use netBIOS or IPX/SPX. 3) Constant closing and opening of tables will cause this error more often. 4) The error most commonly occurs on the close of the table, not the open. In this situation the closing application tries to delete files that another application now has open. Example Routines: Routine 1a) (Delphi Table Open Routine) ---------------------------------------- procedure TForm1.OpenTable(MyTable: TTable); begin { Set the error mode to ignore critical errors } SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); { Open the table and check if it was opened } MyTable.Open; if MyTable.Active = False then begin { Retry opening the table } MyTable.Open; { If an error happens again, raise an exception } if MyTable.Active = False then raise EDatabaseError.Create('Error Opening table'); end; { Set the error mode back to the default } SetErrorMode(0); end; Routine 1b) (Delphi Table Close Routine) ----------------------------------------- procedure TForm1.CloseTable(MyTable: TTable); begin { Set the error mode to ignore critical errors } SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); { Close the table and check if it was closed } MyTable.Close; if MyTable.Active = True then begin { Retry closing the table } MyTable.Close; { If an error happens again, raise an exception } if MyTable.Active = True then raise EDatabaseError.Create('Error Closing table'); end; { Set the error mode back to the default } SetErrorMode(0); end; Routine 2a) (C / C++ Table Open Routine) ----------------------------------------- DbiResult OpenTable(hDBIDb hTmpDb, pCHAR szTblName, phDBICur phTmpCur) { DBIResult rslt; // Set the error mode to ignore critical errors SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); // Open the table and check if it was opened rslt = DbiOpenTable(hTmpDb, szTblName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dbiREADWRITE, dbiOPENSHARED, xltFIELD, FALSE, NULL, phTmpCur); if (rslt != DBIERR_NONE) // Retry opening the table rslt = DbiOpenTable(hTmpDb, szTblName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dbiREADWRITE, dbiOPENSHARED, xltFIELD, FALSE, NULL, phTmpCur); // Set the error mode back to the default SetErrorMode(0); return rslt; } Routine 2b) (C / C++ Table Open Routine) ---------------------------------------- DBIResult CloseTable(phDBICur phTmpCur) { DBIResult rslt; // Set the error mode to ignore critical errors SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); // Close the table and check if it was closed rslt = DbiCloseCursor(phTmpCur); if (rslt != DBIERR_NONE) // Retry closing the table rslt = DbiCloseCursor(phTmpCur); // Set the error mode back to the default SetErrorMode(0); return rslt; } Reference: 7/15/98 3:24:24 PM
Last Modified: 31-MAY-00