Technical Information Database TI325D.txt - Overview of Borland and Turbo Pascal 7.0 Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :All Product : Description: Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 Turbo Pascal 7.0 Features and Benefits Overview Here are the primary features and benefits of Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 and Turbo Pascal with Objects 7.0. These are taken from the Reviewer's guide which includes more detailed product descriptions and technical information. Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 is the most productive programming system available for DOS and Windows. It includes the following new features: Program for DOS, DOS Protected Mode (DPMI) and Windows Professional tools for all three platforms with nothing else to buy Free DOS Extender! Create DOS Protected Mode (DPMI) applications. Break the 640K barrier and use up to 16 MB of memory, without royalties Create DOS protected mode Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) Reuse DLLs in DOS and Windows; and link C or C++ code easily High capacity, multi-target IDEs Choose the DOS or Windows IDE and target any platform DOS and Windows ObjectBrowsers Navigate source code quickly with full cross-reference information Improved IDEs with color syntax highlighting, unlimited undo/redo. Makes it easier to read code and experiment with changes Enhanced application frameworks Add data validation to DOS and Windows applications easily New language features and optimizations Write more flexible code with better performance Winsight and Winspector included For faster debugging of Windows applications Free Runtime library source code included ($195 value included free!). Learn the secrets of object-oriented programming from the experts Turbo Pascal 7.0 Turbo Pascal 7.0 is the fastest way to learn object-oriented programming. It includes the following new features: High capacity IDE Compile large real-mode applications within the IDE ObjectBrowser Navigate source code quickly with full cross-reference Improved IDE with color syntax highlighting, unlimited undo/redo Makes it easier to read code and experiment with changes Enhanced application frameworks Add data validation to DOS and Windows applications easily New tutorials on Turbo Vision and pointers Makes it easy to learn object-oriented programming Reference: 3/30/99 12:57:52 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99