Technical Information Database TI333D.txt - Questions and Answers of Borland and Turbo Pascal Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :All Product : Description: Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 Questions & Answers I. General Questions 1. What are the new features of Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0? Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 includes all of the features necessary for high productivity application development for DOS and Windows. The major new features are: o Support for DOS, DOS Protected Mode (DPMI) and Windows programming o Ability to create DOS Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) that are binary compatible with Windows o High capacity DOS and Windows IDEs o Improved IDEs with color syntax highlighting and undo/redo o DOS and Windows ObjectBrowsers for navigating source code o New compiler optimizations and language features o Extended DOS and Windows application frameworks o Over 3,800 pages of documentation with many new tutorials o Over 4 megabytes of on-line help including the Windows API 2. What are the new features of Turbo Pascal 7.0? Turbo Pascal 7.0 includes features that make it the best way to learn object-oriented programming. The major new features of Turbo Pascal 7.0 are: o High capacity DOS Integrated Development Environment (IDE) o Improved IDE with color syntax highlighting and undo/redo o ObjectBrowser for navigating source code o Additional Turbo Vision objects o 1,500 pages of documentation with several new tutorials o 1 megabyte of on-line help with copy-and-paste examples 3. What's the difference between Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 and Turbo Pascal 7.0? Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 includes features aimed at professional DOS and Windows programmers including the ability to create DOS Protected Mode (DPMI) applications, DOS Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs), as well as a more complete set of professional tools including Turbo Debugger, Turbo Profiler, Turbo Assembler. Turbo Pascal 7.0 is a subset of Borland Pascal with Objects and includes the ability to create DOS real mode programs. It includes the high capacity IDE, ObjectBrowser and extended Turbo Vision application framework, but does not support DOS Protected Mode (DPMI) or Windows development. 4. Who uses Pascal? Borland has shipped over 2,000,000 units of Pascal. The largest segment of Pascal customers is professional programmers, who make up 40% of the market. Pascal is widely used for internal corporate application development, by consultants and VARs in vertical markets such as health-care and construction and by commercial "shrink wrap" software developers. Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 is targeted directly to professional programmers who want high productivity development for DOS and Windows. Pascal is also the most popular language for learning structured and object-oriented programming. Turbo Pascal 7.0 is targeted at new programmers who want the fastest way to learn object-oriented programming. 5. Are there commercial applications written in Pascal? There are many commercial "shrink wrap" software products written in Pascal. These products include leading CAD packages such as Autodesk's Generic Cadd, Fast CAD, Turbo CAD, Claris' Filemaker Pro for Windows, leading tax preparation software such as Tax Cut, Turbo Tax, Parson's Personal Tax Edge, financial packages such as Money Counts, communications packages such as QModem, Tapcis, Ozcis and many others. 6. Does Borland use Pascal to develop any of its products? Borland has a major commercial application under development using the new Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0. Borland has not yet announced the name of the application being developed in Pascal. In addition, the DOS IDE for Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 is written entirely in Pascal using the Turbo Vision application framework. 7. Why has the product name changed? We've called the new professional Pascal programming system "Borland Pascal with Objects" to reflect the professional positioning of the product and provide greater consistency with the C++ product line. Borland continues to offer Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Turbo Pascal for Windows 1.5 for entry level programmers who do not need all of the advanced capabilities that professionals require. 8. What are the benefits of creating DPMI applications? By using Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 you can create DOS Protected Mode (DPMI) applications that break through the 640K barrier and access up to 16 megabytes of memory for code and data. This gives you higher capacity for dealing with larger amounts of data for more efficient processing. 9. How do you create DPMI applications? You can simply select the Compile Target menu choice to DOS protected mode and recompile existing programs. The compiler will create an EXE with a real-mode stub that automatically loads the DPMI server and runtime manager and then switches to protected mode and runs your program. 10.What DPMI technology do you use? Is there a royalty charge? The DOS extender is fully compatible with the DPMI specification and is based entirely on Borland technology and was used in the latest version of Borland's Paradox 4.0 database. No royalty payments or runtime charges are required to distribute protected-mode applications written with Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0. 11.What is the benefit of DOS DLLs? How do you use them? By creating programs as Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) you are able to share the same source code and binary file between both DOS and Windows programs. For example, a typical business application might be constructed with a DOS Turbo Vision user interface and a Dynamic Link Library that does "back end" computation and data processing. The back end DLL can be shared with a Windows version of the program that uses an ObjectWindows user interface. The source code to the DLL does not require any changes to work in Windows and, in fact, does not even need to be recompiled to work in Windows. In the same way, you can compile C or C++ code as a Dynamic Link Library using Borland C++ or any other compiler and link that code into Windows or DOS applications written with Borland Pascal with Objects. No other language offers the ability to create and link to DOS and Windows DLLs. 12.What are the new optimizations in Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0? Several new compiler optimizations have been added so that existing programs can be recompiled for faster performance. These include 32 bit LongInt math operations, redundant pointer load suppression, optimized sets, constant parameters and faster string and file I/O routines. 13.Does Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 include visual resource editing? Yes, Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 includes Borland's Resource Workshop, a fast, powerful way to visually created user interface elements including menus, dialogs, bitmaps, cursors, icons and so on. There are also third party visual resource editing tools available for use with Turbo Vision, including Blaise's Turbo Vision Development Toolkit. 14.Do developers need to buy the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) to use Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0? No, Borland Pascal with Objects includes everything you need to develop DOS and Windows applications. It is fully compatible with Windows 3.0 and 3.1. It includes: o Windows Integrated Development Environment o Borland Pascal with Objects command line compiler o Windows 3.1 interface files o ObjectWindows application framework o Resource Workshop o WinSight o WinSpector o Resource Compiler o Help Compiler o Turbo Help hypertext system o Sample programs o Complete Windows tutorials 15.Does Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 include help on new Windows 3.1 API functions? The on-line Turbo Help system has been completely expanded to provide more detailed descriptions of Windows API functions as well as new entries for all new Windows 3.1 features. There are over 4 megabytes of on-line help. In addition, we are making available a complete printed reference 3 volume set of all Windows API calls for $39.95. This three volume set includes Pascal definitions of all API calls and data structures. 16.Is the Runtime Library Source Code included? As a special bonus to purchasers of Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0, we will include in all upgrades a retail purchases the Application Frameworks and Runtime Library Source Code. This includes the complete source code to the Turbo Vision and ObjectWindows application frameworks and is a $195 value. 17.Is there a CASE tool for Pascal? What is Protogen? Since there are many professional programmers who are new to Windows development, Borland will be making available a version of the Protogen CASE tool that generates Pascal source code. Protogen allows developers to draw their user interface in Windows and then automatically generate much of the standard Windows code that is required. This makes it much easier to get started in Windows and object-oriented programming. Protogen will be made available for the special price of $49.95 to purchasers of Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0. 18.Does Borland Pascal with Objects work with the new Paradox Engine? Yes Borland Pascal with Objects works with the latest version of the Paradox Engine 3.0. Paradox Engine 3.0 includes support for real mode, DOS protected mode (DPMI) and Windows application development in Pascal. It also includes a complete object-oriented database framework for Pascal programmers as well as faster and more memory efficient performance. Paradox Engine 3.0 is available separately. 19.What is the minimum hardware configurations for Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 and Turbo Pascal 7.0? Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 requires an 80286 or higher processor, 2 megabytes of memory, a hard disk. For Windows development you must also have Windows 3.0 or later, graphics (EGA, Hercules, VGA or higher resolution) and a mouse. Turbo Pascal 7.0 requires 720K of disk space and 512K of memory. A hard disk and 80286 or higher processor is required to use the high-capacity IDE. 20.How do the new products affect the existing product line? Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 and Turbo Pascal 7.0 replace the existing Turbo Pascal Professional 6.0 and Turbo Pascal 6.0 products. Turbo Pascal for Windows 1.5 remains on the market as an entry level object-oriented programming system for Windows. 21.What is the pricing and availability? Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 has a suggested retail price of $495.00. Upgrades from any previous version of Turbo Pascal for DOS or Windows to Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 are $149.95. As a special bonus, Borland Pascal with Objects 7.0 includes the Application Frameworks and Runtime Library source code, a $195 value. Turbo Pascal 7.0 has a suggested retail price of $149.95. Upgrades from any previous version of Turbo Pascal for DOS or Windows to Turbo Pascal 7.0 is $89.95. Both products will ship November 2, 1992. Reference: 3/30/99 12:58:32 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99