Technical Information Database TI348D.txt - Installing Turbo Pascal 7.0 on a Network Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :All Product : Description: Configuring Turbo Pascal on Network Systems First, it must be clear to users that network requirements are not considered in the design or development of Turbo Pascal. The intended target system is an IBM PC, AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible with at least 448K of available DOS RAM, 5 megabytes hard disk space, and at least one floppy drive. Through years of use, it has been found that Turbo Pascal happens to work satisfactorily on a number of network systems. The following guidelines may be used if installation on a network system is required. o Install Turbo Pascal from the original diskettes from a node with both Read and Write capability in the target directory of the server. o Ensure that all nodes requiring access to Turbo Pascal have at least Read rights in the directory where Turbo Pascal has been installed. o Have each node run Turbo Pascal at a directory where both Read and Write actions are allowed. Preferably, the current directory would reside on a local drive or at least a directory designated for use by only a single node. It is to this private disk space that Turbo Pascal's swap files and configuration files are to be saved. o Allow Turbo Pascal to create source and executable code either on a local drive or at a directory designated for use by only a single node. If programs are to be created on a network, provide both Read and Write access to the appropriate areas of the network drive. Instructions for granting access rights for a particular network system are found in documentation provided by its manufacturer. Check with the System Administrator or the manufacturer for specific information. Before installing any software on a network, be certain that you are licensed for each node able run the software simultaneously with other nodes. If you are uncertain about any aspect of your licensing, contact your local Borland office immediately. Reference: 3/30/99 12:59:09 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99