Technical Information Database TI376D.txt Keyboard Problems Using Borland Pascal and TPX Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Pascal All Description: At times, users of Borland Pascal or Turbo Pascal's TPX compilers find difficulty using their keyboards. Usual symptoms include the following. 1. The cursor keys persistently highlighting text. 2. The cursor keys randomly producing numeric characters instead of moving the cursor. 3. Keypresses behaving as if the shift key were stuck. 4. Keystrokes producing apparently random and unrelated characters. The problem is usually related to timing issues. In 16-bit protected mode, the addressing mode used forces all memory accesses to be directed through a table of selectors rather than to physical memory directly. Thereby, making each memory access slightly slower than seen using real mode. On most systems, the difference in timing is insignificant and no ill effects are seen. However, some systems in certain configurations may experience the problems noted above. To address this problem, most users are able to use the KEYB.COM program that accompanies MS-DOS. Place the following statement into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. C:\DOS\KEYB US Then restart your computer system. It is important to run KEYB.COM before entering the IDE. It is not appropriate to run this program from the Dos Shell selection of the IDE's file menu. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:42 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99