Technical Information Database TI383D.txt Suggestions for Installing from Backups Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Pascal All Description: At times, Borland software is purchased using a disk format different from that used by your computer. For instance, your computer may use 3<" diskettes but the software came with 5?" diskettes or vice versa. Often folks will take the software to a friend using both diskette formats and make a set of disks in the format that they need. However, when running the install program, you will find the program asking for more diskettes than you have or failing to do everything the manual indicates it will do. These problems result from moving the software from one format to another. The install program depends upon the original diskette format. To resolve the problem, call Borland's Disk Replacement Line at (800) 621-3132 and order a set of diskettes in the proper format. Be sure to have your serial number handy when calling this service. If immediate installation is required and sufficient hard disk space is available, you may copy all files from all diskettes to a single temporary directory on the hard disk. Run install from this directory on the hard disk. When install is finished, delete files from the temporary directory. Then you will be able to run the software normally. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:43 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99