Technical Information Database TI396D.txt Patch for the STDDLG Unit Category :TVISION Platform :All Product :Pascal All Description: When using the TFileDialog object with Borland Pascal 7.0, users may find that errors occur when navigating through subdirectories using the "..\" symbol in the files listbox. The problem lies in the STDDLG.PAS file which normally resides in the \BP\RTL\TV subdirectory. After opening the file, search on the word RelativePath to find the following code: function RelativePath(var S: PathStr): Boolean; begin S := LTrim(RTrim(S)); RelativePath := not (S <> '') and ((S[1] = '\') or (S[2] = ':')); end; To resolve the problem, change the fourth line so that it looks like this: RelativePath := not ((S <> '') and ((S[1] = '\') or (S[2] = ':'))); When you are done, you can copy your new TPU or TPP file into the \BP\UNITS subdirectory. This problem only appears in Borland Pascal 7.0. STDDLGS shipping with Turbo Pascal 7.0 is correct. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:43 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99