Article #15403: Mouse Driver Compatibility

 Technical Information Database

TI403D.txt - Mouse Driver Compatibility

Category   :Turbo Pascal
Platform   :All
Product    :


Mouse Drivers Known To Function With Borland/Turbo Pascal

From time to time, users of Borland/Turbo Pascal find that after
running a program or returning from a DOS shell the mouse cursor
disappears.  The function of the mouse seems to be unaffected as
button presses activate the menu bar and status line.  However,
the mouse cursor itself is gone and the user can not easily
determine where the mouse is on screen.

This anomaly is frequently seen as a deficiency in Borland/Turbo
Pascal, particularly as this effect is rarely if ever seen with
products by other vendors.

In fact, the mouse driver in use is outdated or incomplete.  As
Borland/Turbo Pascal is a program able to run and debug programs,
it must save the state of the mouse each time a user program is
run or debugged.  It must also save the state of the mouse when a
DOS shell initiated.  For this and all other mouse functions, the
IDE relies on the mouse driver installed in either the CONFIG.SYS
or AUTOEXEC.BAT file.  These problems occur when a mouse driver
is being used that is unable to properly save or restore its

Here is a list of mouse drivers known to Borland to correctly
implement the Save/Restore mouse state functions.

                      Microsoft 6.1 or later
                      Logitech 4.0 or later
                   Mouse Systems 6.22 or later
                       Genius 9.06 or later
Correcting such a problem with the mouse driver involves updating
the mouse driver to a version compatible with those listed here.
For mouse systems not described in this list, contact the
manufacturer for an updated mouse driver.  If an updated mouse
driver is not available for a particular mouse system, it may
well be worth considering replacing the mouse system with one
known to function correctly.

PRODUCT  :  Borland/Turbo Pascal                  NUMBER  :  1260
VERSION  :  6.0 & Up
     OS  :  DOS
   DATE  :  June 23, 1994                            PAGE  :  2/2

  TITLE  :  Mouse Driver Compatibility


3/31/99 10:19:07 AM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99