Article #15416: Booting clean -- tips for installing Turbo Pascal

 Technical Information Database

TI416D.txt - Booting clean -- tips for installing Turbo Pascal

Category   :Turbo Pascal
Platform   :All
Product    :


This TI explains how to boot clean. Booting clean involves
bypassing both your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. This
is often desirable if you have reason to believe that some
of the calls in these files might be conflicting with the
normal operation of Turbo Pascal. For instance, trouble
installing Turbo Pascal is often the result of conflicts
with other programs loaded by CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files.
On other occasions, conflicts with drivers or TSRs loaded in a
CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file may cause problems with protected
mode technology.

If you are using DOS 6, you can boot clean simply by rebooting
your system and waiting till you see the words "Starting MS-DOS".
While that text is on your screen, press and release the F5 key
press and hold down the SHIFT key.

Here is a second method:

Format a bootable floppy disk that can be used in Drive A. You
should refer to your DOS manuals for instructions on creating
such a disk. However, on many systems, all you will need to
do is place an unused disk and drive and then type:

        FORMAT A: /S

Be sure that there are no important files on this disk, as it
will be completely reformated and all information on it will
be lost.

Create on that disk a CONFIG.SYS file having only the statement


and an autoexec.bat file having only the statements

     PROMPT $p$g

The path statement listed above assumes that you are
installing Borland Pascal on to the C drive of your
system and using the default subdirectories. Your path
may be different than this. For instance, if you are
installing Turbo Pascal, you should substitute the letters
TP where BP is shown here.

Some systems may be using a hard drive that requires a special
driver such as DMDRVR.SYS or Stacker.  If you absolutely must,
leave these entries in your configuration file.  You can now
'boot clean' by inserting that disk into Drive A and
rebooting your computer.

If you are having difficulties running any part of the
product under Microsoft Windows, you will need a modified clean
boot to run Windows.  Add to your CONFIG.SYS file the
statement the following line:


and change the path statement in your autoexec.bat file to


Also, ensure the statements in the WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files
in your Windows
directories match these:



3/30/99 12:51:28 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99