Technical Information Database TI454D.txt - Using editor toobox with newer versions of Pascal. Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :All Product : Description: This file is for owners of Turbo Pascal 6 or 7 who want to use the editor from the editor toolbox that shipped with Turbo Pascal Version 4.0. To begin, find the file called BINED.PAS that shipped with Toolbox. You should make the following change to BINED.PAS: Procedure ResetBinaryEditor(var EDData: EdCB); var X: Integer; { <<--- ADD THIS LINE; ITS THE FIX! } begin EditNew(EdData); end; The addition of the above line sets up a stack frame for this proc. Here's some additional text taken from the TP6 HELPME!.DOC: With the exception of the Turbo Editor Toolbox, the 4.0 toolboxes will compile with Turbo Pascal 6.0. The Turbo Editor Toolbox needs the minor source code changes described below in order to work with the new heap manager: MicroStar --------- In MSVARS.PAS: 1) On line 219 after "var" Add "FreePtr: Pointer;" 2) On line 295 after "begin" Add "FreePtr := Ptr(Seg(HeapEnd^) - $1000, 0);" In INVOKE.PAS: 1) On line 18 after "Dos" Add ", MsVars" FirstEd ------- In EDVARS.PAS: 1) On line 139 Add "FreePtr: Pointer;" On line 207 Add "FreePtr := Ptr(Seg(HeapEnd^) - $1000, 0);" The TP6 notes then go on to talk about a new copy of BINED.OBJ. This is a fictitious copy and does not exist. Don't try to find it. Instead, add "THE FIX!" shown above. Reference: 3/30/99 12:47:49 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99