Technical Information Database TI481D.txt - Creating a temporary stack. Category :Object Pascal Platform :All-32Bit Product : Description: { The following code shows how to create a temporary stack for use during ISRs and in other situations where the default stack might not be big enough. The following program intentionally creates a very small default stack by using the $M compiler directive. It then calls a function which pushes $2000 bytes onto the stack, thereby setting up a situation which should cause a 202 error. To avoid the error, the program creates a temporary stack by allocating $4000 bytes on the heap and moving this value into SS. It then sets SP to point at the end of this new stack and proceeds to call the function, which does not fail because of the new temporary stack. This code has been tested in both real and protected mode. } {$M $800, 0, $12000} procedure BreakDefaultStack; var a:array[0..$2000] of char; begin Writeln('Hello'); end; var aSS, aSP: Word; Stck: pointer; begin getmem(Stck, $4000); Word (Stck^) := 1; asm mov aSP, sp mov ax, ss mov aSS, ax mov ax, word ptr [Stck] mov bx, word ptr [stck+2] add ax, $4000-2 cli mov ss, bx mov sp, ax sti end; BreakDefaultStack; asm mov ax, aSS mov ss, ax mov sp, aSP end; freemem(Stck, $4000); end. Reference: 4/22/99 1:03:13 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99