Technical Information Database TI488D.txt How to read an enhanced keyboard Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Pascal All Description: { The code included in this example shows how to read an enhanced keyboard using Turbo Pascal. That is, it detects if the F11, F12, etc keys are pressed. It provides a substitute for the ReadKey and KeyPressed functions. This TI includes two source files, the first a unit called ENHKEY.PAS and the second a test program called TEST.PAS. ENHKEY.PAS contains three routines: KeyEPressed: Works just like the CRT routine called KeyPressed, except it detects keypresses on enhanced keys. NewReadKey: Works very much like ReadKey, except it detects enhanced keys. ReadEKey: This is the raw readkey function. It returns a word. The high order word contains the scan code and the low word contains the regular key. Some users might not want to call this function directle, but instead might want to access it through the NewReadKey function, which acts much more like the original ReadKey function from the CRT unit. The code in the EnhKey unit depends on interrupt 16h, functions 10 and 11, both of which assume the presence of AT or better computer. In this day and age, that's a fairly safe bet, but you should be aware that this code will not run on an old XT. Notice that if NewReadKey returns zero the first time it is called, you can grab the scan code in the global variable ScanCode, or you can call NewReadKey a second time to return the ScanCode. } unit EnhKey; interface var ScanCode: Byte; function KeyEPressed: Boolean; function ReadEKey: Word; function NewReadKey: Char; implementation function KeyEPressed: Boolean; assembler; asm mov ah, $11 int 16h mov ax, 1 jnz True xor ax, ax True: end; function ReadEKey: Word; assembler; asm mov ah, 10h int 16h end; function NewReadKey: Char; var Ch: Word; begin if ScanCode <> 0 then begin NewReadKey := Char(ScanCode); ScanCode := 0; exit; end; Ch := ReadEKey; if Lo(Ch) = 0 then begin ScanCode := Hi(Ch); NewReadKey := #0; exit; end; NewReadKey := Char(Lo(Ch)); end; begin ScanCode := 0; end. begin ScanCode := 0; end. { ================= The Test Program ================ } program Test; uses EnhKey; var Ch: Char; i: Integer; begin i := 0; while (Ch <> #27) do begin if KeyEpressed then begin Ch := NewReadKey; if Ch = #0 then begin Ch := NewReadKey; WriteLn('Enhanced: ', Ch) end else WriteLn('Normal: ', Ch); inc(i); end; end; end. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:45 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99