Technical Information Database TI501D.txt - Configuring the Borland Pascal icon in OS/2 Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :All Product : Description: The BORLAND PASCAL DOS Protected Mode Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a DOS application that is invoked by executing BP.EXE. When OS/2 migrates BP.EXE, it migrates it as a WINDOWS application rather than as a DOS application. Therefore, when double-clicking on the BORLAND PASCAL (BP.EXE) icon, the program will fail to load properly. This document explains how to configure the BORLAND PASCAL (BP.EXE) icon to run successfully as a DOS application. Boot up OS/2 and follow these steps: 1. Highlight the BORLAND PASCAL (BP.EXE) icon that was created during migration. 2. With the mouse pointing at the highlighted BORLAND PASCAL icon, right mouse click and a menu will appear. 3. Left mouse click on the ARROW in the upper right hand corner of the OPEN line. 4. Left mouse click on SETTINGS. 5. If you are not at the PROGRAM tab, left mouse click on the PROGRAM tab. 6. Delete everything in the PATH & FILE NAME box. When the PATH & FILE NAME box is empty, insert an asterisk (*) into the PATH & FILE NAME box. 7. Insert the following into the PARAMETERS box: /c c:\bp\bin\bp.exe Be sure to substitute the correct path to BP.EXE if you deviated from the suggested defaults. The statement, /c c:\bp\bin\bp.exe, specifies that the command interpreter is to execute c:\bp\bin\bp.exe and then return to the command interpreter when finished. 8. Left mouse click on the SESSION tab. 9. Left mouse click on the DOS FULL-SCREEN button. 10. Left mouse click on DOS SETTINGS. 11. Scroll down to DPMI_DOS_API in the SETTING box, highlight DPMI_DOS_API. 12. In the VALUE box, choose ENABLED. 13. SAVE and EXIT. The BORLAND PASCAL icon is now configured to run as a DOS Protected Mode application. You can now double-click on the BORLAND PASCAL icon and the IDE will load successfully. Reference: 3/31/99 10:18:58 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99