Technical Information Database TI516D.txt - Uninstalling Delphi Category :Delphi 1.x Platform :All Windows Product : Description: Uninstalling Delphi (16 bit) Contents Introduction A) Deleting Directories B) Deleting the Program Group C) Removing .INI files D) Editing WIN.INI E) Editing WINHELP.INI F) Editing your AUTOEXEC.BAT G) Removing files placed in WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories Introduction This document describes the process of "uninstalling" Delphi from your system. It is a good idea to have a back up of your system files, due to the fact that you will need to use the 'delete' command. This document assumes the product was installed to C: drive, with default directories and full (default) installation settings. Any deviations from the default settings may require adjustments/ changes to the instructions below. A) Deleting Directories If you have any program that uses IDAPI, please disregard any mention of deleting it or its directory below. If you wish to delete directories using DOS commands, see section 1 below. To use Windows, see section 2. 1) To erase directories from your hard drive on a system with DOS 6.0 or greater, you need to be in the root directory (i.e. C:\> ) and type DELTREEand hit return(Example: C:\>deltree delphi). Answer Yes when it prompts to delete all subdirectories (see below for the list of directories to delete). For versions of DOS lower than 6.0, you need to go into each directory and type DEL *.* until all directories are empty. Then DOS will allow you to delete the directory names with the command RD . 2) From Windows, go to File Manager. Using File Manager, select the folder. Then hit the Delete key. Answer Yes to All when prompted to delete subdirectories. The directories you need to delete are: C:\Delphi C:\Rptsmith C:\Rs_run C:\Dbd C:\Iblocal C:\Idapi * C:\Informix * - Client/ Server version only B) Deleting the Program Group To delete the program group 'Delphi' in Windows 3.1 and Windows NT, highlight the group without opening it, and press the Delete key. Under Windows 95, the folders will have been removed by deleting the directories in the previous section. C) Removing .INI files Delete the following .INI files from your \WINDOWS directory (CAUTION: if you have any other Borland products or any programs that use ODBC, back up the .INI files listed below before deleting them. Then test all other programs to insure they run normally!): DELPHI.INI BORHELP.INI DBD.INI INTERBAS.INI * ODBC.INI * ODBCINST.INI * ODBCISAM.INI RPTSMITH.INI RS_RUN.INI RS_SQLIF.INI VSL.INI MULTIHLP.INI * - files used by ODBC applications D) Editing WIN.INI Make a backup of your WIN.INI file. Then, in your \WINDOWS directory, remove the following sections from your WIN.INI file(CAUTION: If any other program uses Paradox Engine, IDAPI, or Database Desktop, use discretion in deleting these lines!): [DDE Servers] DBD=C:\DBD\DBD [DBD] WORKDIR=C:\DBD PRIVDIR=C:\DBD\DBDPRIV [Interbase] RootDirectory=C:\IBLOCAL * [IDAPI] DLLPATH=C:\IDAPI CONFIGFILE01=C:\IDAPI\IDAPI.CFG * [Borland Language Drivers] LDPath=C:\IDAPI\LANGDRV * - DO NOT delete these if other programs use IDAPI Remember to save your new WIN.INI. E) Editing WINHELP.INI Remove the following lines from WINHELP.INI located in your WINDOWS directory: BDECFG.HLP=C:\IDAPI DBD.HLP=C:\DBD DELPHI.HLP=C:\DELPHI\BIN WINAPI.HLP=C:\DELPHI\BIN CWG.HLP=C:\DELPHI\BIN CWH.HLP=C:\DELPHI\BIN LOCALSQL.HLP=C:\DELPHI\BIN VQB.HLP=C:\DELPHI\BIN SQLREF.HLP=C:\IBLOCAL\BIN WISQL.HLP=C:\IBLOCAL\BIN RPTSMITH.HLP=C:\rptsmith RS_DD.HLP=C:\rptsmith SBL.HLP=C:\rptsmith RS_RUN.HLP=C:\rptsmith RCEXPERT.HLP=C:\DELPHI\RCEXPERT DRVDBASE.HLP=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM DRVPARDX.HLP=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM ODBCINST.HLP=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM F) Editing your AUTOEXEC.BAT First, make a backup of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Then edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT and remove C:\IBLOCAL\BIN; and C:\IDAPI; from your PATH statement if they are present. (Example: (OLD) PATH = C:\;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;C:\IDAPI;C:\IBLOCAL\BIN; (NEW) PATH = C:\;C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;) Remember to save your new AUTOEXEC.BAT. G) Removing files from your WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories Please note: These files are listed for reference ONLY. It IS NOT recommended that you delete these files. Deletion of certain files used by other programs WILL cause your system to crash. CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!! Many files shown in this section are shared by other programs. Deleting them may cause other programs not to work INCLUDING WINDOWS. If you wish to remove files from these directories, please do so ONLY at your own discretion. One possible method would be to delete a file, and run ALL other programs on your system to make sure they work. Copies of all files listed below are located on the Delphi CD in the runimage directory. You may copy files from the CD if one that is required is inadvertantly deleted. Please be careful. CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!!CAUTION!!!! Files placed or updated in your \WINDOWS directory by Delphi: DELPHI.CBT M3OPEN.DLL M3OPEN.EXE MBW.EXE MFTP.EXE MHPARPA.DLL MNETONE.EXE MNOVLWP.DLL MPATHWAY.DLL MPCNFS.EXE MPCNFS2.EXE MPCNFS4.DLL MSOCKLIB.DLL MVWASYNC.EXE MWINTCP.EXE WINSOCK.DLL Files placed or updated in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory by Delphi: BIBAS04.DLL BIFLT04.DLL BIMDS04.DLL BIPDX04.DLL BIPDX04.HLP BIUTL04.DLL BIVBX11.DLL BLBAS04.DLL BLINT04.DLL BLINT04.HLP BLMDS04.DLL BLODBC.LIC BLUTL04.DLL BOLE16D.DLL BTRV110.DLL BWCC.DLL CHART2FX.VBX COMPOBJ.DLL * COREWIN.DLL CTL3D.DLL CTL3DV2.DLL * DBNMP3.DLL DRVACCSS.HLP DRVBTRV.HLP DRVDBASE.HLP DRVEXCEL.HLP DRVFOX.HLP DRVTEXT.HLP GAUGE.VBX * LDLLSQLW.DLL MSJETDSP.DLL MULTIHLP.DLL NWCALLS.DLL NWIPXSPX.DLL * NWNETAPI.DLL ODBC.DLL ODBCADM.EXE ODBCCURS.DLL ODBCINST.DLL ODBCINST.HLP OLE2.DLL OLE2.REG OLE2CONV.DLL OLE2DISP.DLL OLE2NLS.DLL OLE2PROX.DLL * ORA6WIN.DLL * ORA7WIN.DLL PICT.VBX PXENGCFG.EXE PXENGWIN.DLL QEBI.LIC RED110.DLL SIMADMIN.DLL SIMBA.DLL STDOLE.TLB STORAGE.DLL STRESS.DLL SWITCH.VBX TXTISAM.DLL TYPELIB.DLL * W3DBLIB.DLL XBS110.DLL XLSISAM.DLL * - Client/ Server version only All .BOR files are backup files that Delphi renamed and replaced with updated or modified files, you may use these files in comparison to the files you have changed. If you have installed any software after the .BOR file was created or the .BOR file is the same as the file it replaced, the .BOR file can be deleted. Reference: 3/30/99 3:47:03 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99