Technical Information Database TI526D.txt - Installing Delphi on a Network Category :Delphi 1.x Platform :All Windows Product : Description: ----Installing Delphi to a network drive----- Note: Delphi was never intended to be run from a network, and Borland makes no claims in it's ability to do so. This information is provided solely as a starting point and is NOT intended to be a cookbook. This TI is assuming a basic Windows 3.1 or 3.11 installation. if you are using another operating system, appropriate adjustments will, of course, need to be made. ***************************************************************** 1. Install Delphi to the Network from any Workstation, but be sure to check the "Windows Lan" option if Windows is installed on a server and it's directories are read only. 2. Edit DELPHI.INI in the windows directory. -enter: [Globals] PrivateDir = your local directory -add: [Library] SearchPath = Netdrive:\DELPHI\LIB ComponentLibrary= your local directory\COMPLIB.DCL This will allow each user to have his own private options, private DFM file, as well as a private Component Library. If a public component library is desired, the ComponentLibray line may be left out. 3. Copy COMPLIB.DCL and DELPHI.DMT from the DELPHI\BIN directory to the local private directories. 4. Copy DELPHI.INI to all machines to be running Delphi. If Windows is on the network, everyone will need to set up their local directories identically, since it will only have that one INI file to work from. 5. If the WINSYS option was selected at install time, there was a DELPHI\WINSYS directory created. There is a bug in the install engine, and not all of the needed files get included. Copy the files from: CDROM:\RUNIMAGE\WINDOWS and CDROM:\RUNIMAGE\WINDOWS\SYSTEM into the WINSYS directory. Then this directory will need to be included in the path. If you wish to copy these files into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, be sure to back up those directories first, in case of file collisions. Care should be taken to not overwrite newer versions of these files. You may find the DOS program REPLACE.EXE useful in accomplishing this. 6. If there was no WINSYS directory created (Step 5), Copy CD:RUNIMAGE\WINDOWS and CD:\RUNIMAGE\WINODWS\SYSTEM directories to all Workstations. Put these files in a separate directory and include it in the path.(This will make uninstalling much easier.) 7. Copy the group file created in the windows directory to all other stations to be using Delphi. 8. Use Program Manager to create the group on these machines. 9. Modify the path on all workstations that will run Delphi as follows: PATH=C:\IBLOCAL\BIN;C:\DELPHI\BIN All users must load the DOS command SHARE(Assuming windows 3.1) before using Delphi. 10. The following line should be added to each user's AUTOEXEC.BAT: SHARE /F:4096 /L:40 11. Modify the WIN.INI on all machines (assuming a local windows installation,) adding the following: [IDAPI] DLLPATH=X:\IDAPI;C:\IDAPI CONFIGFILE01=X:\IDAPI\IDAPI.CFG [Borland Language Drivers] LDPath=X\IDAPI\LANGDRV [BWCC] BitmapLibrary=BWCC.DLL [Interbase] RootDirectory=X:\IBLOCAL [Paradox Engine] UserName=PxEngine NetNamePath=X:\ MaxTables=64 RecBufs=64 MaxLocks=64 MaxFiles=64 SwapSize=64 NetNameFDSM= [DDE Servers] DBD=X:\DBD\DBD [DBD] WORKDIR=X:\DBD PRIVDIR=C:\DBD\DBDPRIV Where X is the Network Drive and path installed to. Note that PRIVDIR is set locally. Note, Delphi will install numerous INI files to the Windows directory. These files can be copied over to other workstations only if the corresponding INI files do not already reside there. (They shouldn't) If this is the case you will have to manually attach these files to the ends of the existing ones. The INI files that Delphi installs are: RS_SQLIF INI WINHELP INI MULTIHLP INI DELPHI INI ODBCINST INI ODBC INI RPTSMITH INI RS_RUN INI ODBCISAM INI The configuration described above should allow for the installed location to be set read only after it is installed, but this was only tested with a local installation of Windows. Reference: 3/30/99 12:59:51 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99