Technical Notes Database TN643D.txt COMP TYPE USES Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 4.0+ Description: Q. What type is Comp? What is it useful for? A. The Comp type is a cross between an integer and a real type and is available when 8087 code is generated {$N+}. If no math coprocessor is available, specify {$N+,E+} and the emulator will support the Comp type. The compiler treats it as a real type without an exponent. Thus Comp is useful when you need to store extremely large numbers but don't need a decimal point. For example, you might use variables of type Comp to store amounts in cents and divide the value of the variable by 100 to determine what the value in dollars and cents would be. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:34 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99