Technical Information Database TI653D.txt - Delphi Fact Sheet Category :Delphi 1.x Platform :All Windows Product : Description: Delphi Fact Sheet Delphi is the only Windows development tool to combine the Rapid Application Development (RAD) benefits of visual component-based design with the power of an optimizing native code compiler and scalable database access. Delphi represents the next generation in: - Performance--with the world's fastest compiler - Rapid Application Development--via visual Two-Way-Tools() - Component Reuse--a true object-oriented environment - Scalable Database Access--the fast track to client/server The fastest way to the fastest applications Delphi is the next generation Windows development tool, combining the most intuitive visual design environment with the unrivaled performance of a world-class optimizing native code compiler. It compiles Windows applications at more than 350,000 lines per minute.* An automatic MAKE facility ensures that only code that has been changed is recompiled for maximum efficiency, and the built-in assembler allows for ultimate fine-tuned performance. The resulting executable files (EXEs) are lean, highly efficient, and run up to 10 to 20 times faster than interpreted p-code. Delphi executables are immediately deployable, royalty-free, and require no runtime interpreter Dynamic Link Library (DLL), so maximum performance is guaranteed. RAD, from prototype to production The comprehensive suite of visual design and debugging tools accelerate development so you move seamlessly from prototyping to deployment. You'll create high-performance applications in record time with the gallery of reusable forms, project templates, programming experts, and context- sensitive intelligent help. And smart computer-based tutorials guide you through your project and help explain concepts. The Object Inspector; provides complete access to properties and events of a selected component, with smart Property Editors for rapid design changes. The Project Manager provides an overview of all forms and code for a development project, while the ObjectBrowser() provides a graphical view of the overall object hierarchy. The sophisticated GUI Debugger jumps directly to the point in the source code where problems occur, so you can find and fix problems quickly and easily. And full support for conditional breakpoints, watchpoints, call stack monitoring, single-step execution, and trace mode are included. A suite of powerful Windows resource editors lets you create and modify menus, icons, cursors, and bitmaps for low-level debugging. The WinSight() utility allows you to monitor the Windows messaging flow, while WinSpector() instantly provides comprehensive diagnostic details. Visual Two-Way-Tools for power programming With Delphi, you can always get to your code, and everything you can do visually can also be done in code. Innovative Two-Way-Tools maximize your productivity by letting you move seamlessly between the visual design environment and the synchronized underlying source code. Switching between the visual design mode and the intelligent BRIEF;-style source code editor is rapid and intuitive. It supports advanced editing features such as Color Syntax Highlighting, macro recording, column block marking, and regular expression support. Reuse components to maximize productivity The comprehensive Visual Component Library (VCL), a collection of more than 75 objects such as dialogs, buttons, and list boxes, includes a host of additional reusable objects including database controls, notebook tabs, grids, multimedia controls, and much more! The completely customizable Integrated Development Environment can be tailored to individual or corporate preferences. Custom reusable components and commercial VBXs are easily added to the fully reconfigurable Component Palette. You can create and install your own application and form templates. And the Delphi component-based architecture allows you to seamlessly integrate DLLs, VBBX controls, and OLE 2.0 servers into your applications. Integrated database support and reporting capabilities Delphi incorporates the Borland Database Engine (BDE), providing direct access to data stored in dBASE, Paradox, and the Local InterBase Server, and to other data formats via ODBC. And data-aware controls allow manipulation of live data at design time, improving project turnaround time. A comprehensive selection of Visual Data Objects helps make sophisticated database application design a breeze. And the included Database Desktop() utility lets you create or restructure tables and manage connections, insulating compiled Delphi applications from changes in database locations. Delphi also includes the PC version of ReportSmith; Borland's award-winning database reporting and query tool that supports live data access at design time. ReportSmith supports a wide range of popular database formats, and provides a variety of graphing, tabulating, and charting options. The ultimate complementary tool If you prefer to work with a variety of programming tools, Delphi is the perfect addition to your toolset. It allows you to create reusable DLLs that can be called from applications built with C++, Paradox, dBASE, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic, and other popular development tools. Delphi can also use standard VBX controls, OLE2.0 servers, DLLs created by other development tools, Microsoft multimedia, MAPI, and pen computing APIs. No matter what you program with today, the Delphi component-based design makes it a valuable addition that leverages your existing investment in code. Delphi gives you the control and flexibility you demand with complete access to the Windows API, while shielding you from the complexities of Windows programming. Object-Oriented Programming The underlying Object Pascal language has been enhanced to fully support exception handling. All your GPFs, disk I/O errors, and other dreaded problems are automatically trapped. And it offers all of the benefits of a structured programming language and a true object-oriented development tool, including polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. So Delphi applications are incredibly robust and deliver superior solutions for all of your mission- critical projects. Enhanced compiler features such as conditional compilation and smart linking make it even easier to rapidly design professional applications intended for a variety of target environments. Fast track to Windows 95 Delphi applications developed for the Windows 3.1 operating environment will also run under Windows 95 and Windows NT. Upgrading them to full 32-bit performance simply involves a single-click recompile with the forthcoming Windows 95 version of Delphi. No rewriting of code is necessary! Smooth scaling to client/server Delphi provides an easy path to the fast-growing market of client/server applications development. Transparent local SQL development is possible with Delphi, using the built-in Local InterBase Server, which enables you to rapidly develop high-performance ANSI SQL-92 compliant applications for standalone systems. To make the transition from Delphi to professional client/server development and deployment using external database hosts, upgrade to Delphi Client/Server. It's a quick and easy process requiring no additional coding. Delphi Client/Server features high-performance native drivers for Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and InterBase, along with team development support, a Visual Query Builder tool, and much more. Delphi, the developer's solution - Quickly and easily customize the Component Palette. - Delphi gives you everything you need for Rapid Application Development. - Manage all your code and visual objects with the Object Inspector. - Two-Way-Tools give you complete control of your code. - The Visual Component Library lets you build complete database applications in minutes. Quotes: "It's going to change our lives, you know." --J.D. Hildebrand, Editor Windows Tech Journal "When it comes to keeping required coding to a minimum, Delphi excels..." --Windows Sources December 1994 "Delphi gives developers exactly what they need to create complete applications, posthaste." --Susan Ryan InfoWorld "5 Stars--Excellent" --PC/Computing February 1995 Delphi Specifications Optimizing Native Code Compiler - Compiles at over 350,000 lines per minute* - Create fast standalone EXEs with no runtime interpreter Dynamic Link Library (DLL) - Applications run up to 10 to 20 times faster than interpreted p-code - Create DLLs that work with C++, dBASE, Paradox, Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, and others - Access to all Windows API functions and messages - Optimized case statements, sets, 32-bit math operations, string and file routines, and more - Math coprocessor and emulator support - Automatic built-in MAKE facility - Conditional compilation - Smart Linker removes unused objects and code - Command-line compiler and MAKE facility - Built-in assembler for tuning performance - Linker optimization for smaller EXEs Integrated Development Environment - Integrated visual form designer with over 75 components - Two-Way-Tools automatically synchronize code and visual representations - Object Inspector allows visual customization of components without writing code - Built-in tools for alignment, scaling, sizing, and tab order - ObjectBrowser displays object hierarchy, units, globals, and code references - Project Manager displays all files and forms - Customizable environment including SpeedBar, Component Palette, editor, and browser - Intuitive Icon, Bitmap, and Menu editors - Open environment for adding your own tools, experts, components, and Property Editors Visual Component Library (VCL) - Customizable palette of over 75 reusable componnents - Support for the latest Microsoft systems technologies including OLE 2.0, DDE, VBXs, DLLs, MAPI, and ODBC - Standard components for menus, bitmapped buttons, masked edit fields, panels, graphics, notebook tabs, grids, outlines, list boxes, combo boxes, check boxes, labels, and more - Visual Data Objects for accessing databases, tables, queries, reports, SQL stored procedures, as well as data- aware grids, navigators, lookup lists, edit fields, list boxes, combo boxes, memos, bitmaps, and more - "Live" design-time data access - Extend the VCL at any time with third-party libraries or with your own objects created with Delphi - Database Field Editor for validation rules, display format, edit mask, and field width - Standard dialog objects for file operations, printing, font and color selection, and searching - System objects for accessing OLE 2.0 servers, DDE, multimedia and file, and directory lists - Support for MDI, printing, annd graphics - 2-D and 3-D charts with included ChartFX control - Compatible with hundreds of VBX controls - Includes sample objects with complete source code written in Delphi - VCL source code available separately Object Pascal Language - High-performance, structured, object-oriented language - Complete support for inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation - Control over privacy with Public, Private, Protected, and Published reserved words - Create components with properties and events - Use inheritance to customize any object - Automatic runtime type information and object persistence - Automatic, extensible exception handling - Support for open arrays, user-defined types, objects, and pointers - Advanced language support for delegation and class references - Separate compilation of units and DLLs - Over 150 library routines for mathematical operations, string manipulation, text formatting, and file management - WinCRT unit for ccreating standard Pascal "console" programs - Compiles Borland Pascal 7.0 for Windows code Powerful Editing - Full-featured BRIEF-style editing - Unlimited undo and redo - No limit on file size - Macro record and playback - Column block marking - Regular expression (GREP-style) search - Customizable Color Syntax Highlighting - Selectable editor keystrokes with support for BRIEF and Epsilon Integrated Debugging - Integrated GUI Debugger with single-step and trace - Conditional breakpoints and watchpoints - Call stack view for tracing code execution - Evaluate and modify expressions and variables - WinSight Windows message trace utility - WinSpector postmortem analysis tool - Compatible with Turbo Debugger for Windows (available separately) Borland Database Engine - High-performance engine with native drivers for dBASE, Paradox, and Local InterBase Server - Fully scalable support for migrating applications from desktop to client/sserver - Royalty-free deployment of database engine - Space-efficient deployment of database applications - Includes Database Desktop for managing database aliases as well as creating and restructuring tables - ODBC support for Access, Btrieve, Excel, DB2, AS/400, Ingres, HP ALBASE/SQL, and gateways like IBM DDCS/2, Micro Decisionware and Sybase Net-gateway. (available separately) - Delphi Client/Server includes SQL Link native drivers for InterBase, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, and Informix. (available separately) Local InterBase 4.0 Server - High-performance ANSI SQL-92 compliant - Ideal for "off-line" development and single-user applications - Computed fields - Outer joins and join expressions in the where clause - Complex data including Binary Large Objects (BLObs()) and multidimensional arrays - Advanced features including stored procedures, triggers, and constraints - Fully scalable to InterBase on NT, NetWare, and UNIX platforms - Local InterBase Server Deployment Kit available separately ReportSmith 2.5 - Award-winning database reporting and query tool - Access ReportSmith from the Delphi Tools menu and TReport component - Features "live" report writing - Adaptive data access works with any size database - Prebuilt report templates and styles - Crosstab and mailing label reports - Multilevel sorting - Custom group specifications - Onscreen Print Preview mode - Free distribution of ReportSmith runtime module - Fully compatible with ReportSmith SQL edition Documentation and Help - Extensible gallery of application templates and experts - Seven Interactive Tutors() with "live" interaction - Over 5Mb of on-line help - Five manuals with over 1,200 pages of documentation: Delphi User's Guide, Component Writer's Guide, Database Application Developer's Guide, Creating Reports, and InterBase User's Guide Minimum System Requirements - Intel 386-baased PC or higher - Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, 100%-compatible version - 6Mb of extended memory or higher - 30Mb hard disk space - CD-ROM drive (3.5" disks available separately) Networks Supported Any Microsoft Windows 3.1 compatible network, including OS/2 2.1, Novell NetWare, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, and Windows NT 3.11. *Pentium 90MHz Copyright 1995 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved. All Borland product names are trademarks of Borland International, Inc. Borland's DELPHI products and services are not associated with or sponsored by Delphi Internet, an on-line service and Internet access provider. Corporate Headquarters: 100 Borland Way, Scotts Valley, California 95066-3249, 408-431-1000. Offices in: Australia (61-02-911-1000), Belgium (32-2-47-99-903), Brazil (55-11- 851-5326), Canada (416-229-6000), Chile (56-2-233-7113), Denmark (45-48-14-00-01), France (33-1-41-23-11-00), Germany (49-6103-9790), Hong Kong (852-2540-4380), Italy (39-2-26-91- 51), Japan (81-03-5350-9370), Korea (82-02-551-2795), Latin American Headquarters in U.S.A. (408-431-1074), Malaysia (60- 03-230-2618), Netherlands (31-020-540-54-00), New Zealand (64-9-443-8890), Singapore (65-339-8122), Spain (34-1-650-72- 50), Sweden (46-8-634-35-00), Switzerland (41-031-761-2604) Taiwan (886-2-718-6627), and United Kingdom (44-734-321-150) Reference: 3/30/99 3:00:47 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99