Article #15659: Delphi Quick Info Sheet

 Technical Information Database

TI659D.txt - Delphi Quick Info Sheet

Category   :Delphi 1.x
Platform   :All Windows
Product    :

           Borland Delphi for Windows Quick Info Guide

RADical performance Windows development

     Delphi is the only Windows development tool to combine the
     Rapid Application Development (RAD) benefits of visual
     component-based design, with the power of an optimizing
     native code compiler and scalable database access.

Delphi represents the next generation in:

     -  Performance--with the world's fastest compiler
     -  Rapid Application Development--via visual Two-Way-Tools
     -  Component Reuse--a true object-oriented
        environment Scalable Database Access--the fast track to 

The fastest way to the fastest applications

     Delphi is the next-generation Windows development tool,
     combining the visual design environment with the unrivaled
     performance  of a world-class optimizing native code
     compiler. Delphi includes the world's fastest compiler,
     capable of compiling Windows applications at more than
     350,000 lines per minute, resulting in executable files
     (EXEs) that are robust and lightning-fast.

     Delphi executables are also immediately deployable and
     completely royalty-free, and no runtime interpreter Dynamic
     Link Library (DLL) is required. Delphi applications
     typically execute up to 10 to 20 times faster than
     interpreted p-code.

     Only Borland can offer this unique combination of integrated
     tools including its award-winning report writer,
     ReportSmith, the Borland Database Engine, and the Local
     InterBase Server.

RAD, from prototype to production

     Delphi accelerates Windows development by providing a
     comprehensive suite of visual design and debugging tools
     that move you seamlessly from prototyping to deployment of
     finished applications. Delphi's Two-Way-Tools help you
     optimize your programming time by switching effortlessly
     between visual design and the underlying source code.

Reuse components to maximize productivity

     Included with Delphi is the comprehensive Visual Component
     Library (VCL), a collection of more than 75 standard Windows
     objects such as dialogs, buttons, and list boxes, along with
     a host of additional reusable objects including database
     controls, notebook tabs, grids, multimedia controls, and
     much more! Delphi's Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
     is fully customizable. Custom reusable components, external
     DLLs, and commercial VBXs can be rapidly added to Delphi's
     Component Palette.

     Delphi is a true object-oriented development tool, including
     polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Delphi's
     component-based architecture allows you to seamlessly
     integrate DLLs, VBX controls, and OLE 2.0 servers into your

Smooth scaling to client/server

     Delphi has been designed to provide an easy path to the
     fast-growing market of client/server applications
     development. Transparent local SQL development is possible
     with Delphi, using the built-in Local InterBase Server,
     which enables you to rapidly develop high-performance ANSI
     SQL-92 compatible applications for standalone systems.
"Delphi is Visual Basic done right." --PC/Computing,
February 1995

Delphi Product Information:

     -  Delphi for Windows CD-ROM only. Estimated street price
     -  Special Introductory Offer of $199.95 for first 90 days
     -  $50.00 rebate coupon inside for Pascal owners. 3.5" disks
        available separately from Borland for $19.95 plus $5.00

     Delphi for Windows
     Local InterBase Server
     ReportSmith 2.5 PC version

     Delphi User's Guide
     Delphi Database Application Developer's Guide
     Delphi Component Writer's Guide
     Creating Reports
     InterBase User's Guide

Target Audience

     Programmers, VARs, Pascal developers, C++ developers, Visual
     Basic Pro developers, PowerBuilder developers, Paradox and 
     dBASE developers.

Delphi Accessories:

Turbo Assembler
     3.5" HD disks

     Whether you're writing time-critical systems or speeding up
     your Delphi applications, the Turbo Assembler ensures your
     applications are as robust and efficient as possible.

     Windows developers who want to build fast applications or
     add fast code to existing applications. Programmers using
     Microsoft Assembler who want a way to do faster, more
     flexible assembly language programming.

Visual Solutions Pack
     3.5" HD disks

     With the Visual Solutions Pack you can add spreadsheets,
     databases, word processing, graphics, and more to your
     Delphi applications with virtually no coding. 

     Windows developers using Delphi or any other development
     tool that supports VBX format custom controls.

Paradox 5.0 for Windows
     CD-ROM or 3.5" HD disks

     Special limited-time upgrade price of $129.95 for suite
     owners of competing databases. $30 rebate for previous
     Paradox owners.

     With Paradox you get relational database power made easy.
     DLLs and OLE 2.0 controls built with Delphi are completely
     compatible with your Paradox applications.

     Windows database developers who want to build fast,
     efficient, database applications.

Borland Delphi support services

     Fast Fax for Detailed Information: 1-800-408-0001
     TechFax for Technical Information: 1-800-822-4269
     Connections Developer Program: 1-800-353-2211
     Free Install Support: (408) 461-9195
     Credit Card Advisor Line: 1-800-330-3372

     On-line Services
     -  On CompuServe, type GO BORLAND
     -  On BIX, type JOIN BORLAND
     -  On GEnie, type BORLAND
     -  Borland Download Bulletin Board Service: (408) 431-5096
     -  For other Assist Support Services: 1-800-523-7070

Attention Borland resellers
     -  For information on obtaining evaluation copy order forms:
     -  To request collateral: (408) 431-1950
     -  For more information: (408) 461-9000

Minimum System Requirements
     -  Intel 386-based PC or higher
     -  Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, 100%-compatible version
     -  6Mb of extended memory or higher
     -  CD-ROM drive (3.5" floppy dissks available separately)
     -  30Mb hard disk space

Satisfaction guaranteed!

     You can buy Delphi for Windows with complete assurance. If
     for any reason you are not fully satisfied with your
     purchase, you can return it to Borland within 90 days. No
     questions asked!

*Scholar price available through authorized Borland
Educational resellers. Call 1-800-847-7797. 

Copyright 1995 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved.
All Borland product names are trademarks of Borland
International, Inc. Corporate Headquarters: 100 Borland Way,
Scotts Valley, CA 95066-3249, (408) 431-1000. Offices in:
Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France,
Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin America, Malaysia,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Taiwan, and United Kingdom.


3/30/99 3:01:15 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99