Article #15665: List of Delphi Books From Third-Party Publishers

 Technical Information Database

TI665D.txt - List of Delphi Books From Third-Party Publishers

Category   :Delphi 1.x
Platform   :All
Product    :

The Delphi Programmer Explorer
by J. Duntemann/J. Mischel/D. Taylor 
Coriolis Group 
ISBN:  1-883577-25-X          $39.99 
A new type of tutorial: Theory and practice alternate in short 
chapters, with the emphasis on creating useful software starting 
on the very first page.
Delphi for Dummies
by Neil Rubenking 
IDG Press 
ISBN:  1-56884-200-7          $19.99 
Readers will learn about Borland's new language in the easy to
understand style of the Dummies series.
Teach Yourself Delphi
by Devra Hall 
MIS Press 
ISBN:  1-55828-390-0          $27.95 
Here is a complete, self-guided tour to the new development
environment from Borland, encompassing all the features of the
language and all the tools, tricks, and advantages of Delphi.
Delphi Nuts and Bolts
by Gary Cornell and Troy Strain 
ISBN: 0-07-882-136-3                       $24.95 
If you are an experienced programmer and want a fast introduction
to Delphi, this book is for you.
Software Engineering with Delphi
by Edward C. Webber, J. Neal Ford, and Christopher R. Webber 
Prentice Hall Professional, Trade & Reference 
A guide to developing client/server applications with an emphasis
on Delphi's object-oriented tools.

Delphi by Example
by Blake Watson 
ISBN:  1-56529-757-1          $29.99 
Aimed at the beginning programmer who has no prior experience
with other languages or development products, this book presents
basic concepts of programming along with a clear explanation of
the key development tools that are part of Delphi.
Using Delphi, Special Edition
by John Matcho and Eric Uber 
ISBN:  1-56529-823-3          $29.99 
This 3-part tutorial on the most important Delphi features covers
how to install the product and develop applications using
Delphi's visual tools, explores the Windows application
development process, and deals with some advanced programming
Developing Client/Server Applications with Delphi
by Vince Killen and Bill Todd 
Sams Publishing 
Walks the reader through the development process of creating
real-world C/S applications, explaining in detail what the
thought processes must be even before any code is written.
Delphi Developer's Guide
by Xavier Pacheco/Steve Teixeira 
Sams Publishing 
ISBN:  0-672-30704-9          $45.00 
Intermediate to advanced guide to developing applications using

Master Delphi
by Charlie Calvert 
Sams Publishing 
ISBN:  0-672-30499-6          $45.00 
Comprehensive tutorial/reference for intermediate programming
with Delphi.
Teach Yourself Delphi in 21 Days
by Andrew Wozniewicz 
Sams Publishing 
ISBN: 0-672-30470-8                          $29.99 
Introduces Delphi to the beginning programmer and includes
question-and-answer section at end of each less to test readers
progress as they learn.
Mastering Delphi
by Marco Cantu 
ISBN:  0-7821-1739-2                         $29.99 
Introduces programmers to Delphi's features and techniques,
including secrets of the environment, the programming language,
the custom components and Windows programming in general.
Delphi How-To
by Gary Frerking 
Waite Group Press 
ISBN: 1-57169-019-0                         $34.95 
Presents large collection of programming problems and their
solutions in standard, easy-to-use reference format, including
unique solutions that use VBX controls and easy ways to build
multimedia projects with Delphi.
Developing Windows Applications Using Delphi
by Paul Penrod 
John Wiley 
ISBN:  0-471-11017-5          $29.95 
This introduction for traditional C programmers who want to make
the transition to rapid application development also provides
detailed instructions for building sophisticated Windows
applications and for creating graphical interfaces.
Instant Delphi
by Dave Jewell 
Wrox Press 
ISBN:  1-874416-57-5          $19.95 
Instant Delphi is the fast-paced tutorial guide for the
programmer who wants to get up to speed on the Delphi product as
quickly as possible.


3/30/99 3:01:40 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99