Article #15671: Instructions for Running Delphi from CD-ROM

 Technical Information Database

TI671D.txt - Instructions for Running Delphi from CD-ROM

Category   :Delphi 1.x
Platform   :All Windows
Product    :


Delphi can be run from a CD-ROM directly. However, it is highly
recommended that at least a minimum installatiion be seriously
considered before opting for running Delphi from CD-ROM.

For a minimum installation, 33MB of available hard disk space is

Running from a CD-ROM, 9MB of available hard disk space is

To configure the system to run Delphi from the CD-ROM,

1. Copy all files found in the CD's \RUNIMAGE\WINDOWS directory to the
Windows directory of the hard disk.

2. Copy all files found in the CD's \RUNIMAGE\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory to the Windows SYSTEM directory of the hard disk.

3. Edit DELPHI.INI in a text editor like Windows Notepad. Look
for the section titled [Globals]. Make entry for the PrivateDir
setting that resides on a writeable disk, preferably a local
hard disk.

For instance, if a directory on the C: drive where chosen called
DELPRIV, the relevant section of DELPHI.INI would look as


Now, Delphi can be run from the \RUNIMAGE\DELPHI\BIN directory
of the CD-ROM.

                     MODIFYING COMPONENTS

To allow modification of the component library used by Delphi
while running from a CD ROM an copy of the Component Library
must exist on a writeable disk. Use the following steps as a

1. Copy COMPLIB.DCL from the CD's \RUNIMAGE\DELPHI\BIN directory
to a desired directory on the hard disk.

2. Run Delphi.

3. Bring down the Options menu and select Open Library.

4. Specify the directory and file name for the COMPLIB.DCL
copied to the hard disk.


4/1/99 4:32:43 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99