Technical Notes Database TN691D.txt INTERRUPT HANDLER RULES Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 4.0+ Description: Q. What rules should I follow when writing an interrupt handler? A. The following is a list of rules to keep in mind when writing an interrupt handler: 1. Use GetIntVec and SetIntVec to install/un-install interrupt handlers. 2. Use the interrupt keyword. 3. Be careful about reentrancy. Don't use any calls to DOS or to Turbo Pascal's overlay or heap management routines in your interrupt handler. 4. Interrupt procedures and functions must use the far call model (use the {$F+} option). 5. Be proficient with the BIOS and Assembly language before attempting to write an interrupt handler. 6. Make sure your interrupt handler is not in an overlaid unit. 7. You will want to create an exit procedure to un-install the interrupt service routine. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:34 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99