Technical Notes Database TN721D.txt RESET - READING AND WRITING TYPED UNTYPED FILES Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 4.0+ Description: Q. How can I write to a binary file without destroying the information already in it? A. You must use the Reset procedure. It opens the file for BOTH reading and writing. Furthermore, the RecordSize*Count cannot exceed the total size of the buffer. Therefore, you may have to use Reset(FileVariable, 1) { RecordSize = 1 }. Now, you may use the Seek procedure, to go to a particular position in the file, and the BlockWrite procedure to write over some data. The following example demonstrates the use of BlockRead and BlockWrite: program ReadWriteFile; var FromF : file; NumRead, NumWritten: Word; Buf : array[1..2] of Char; Ch : Char; begin { Open input file and create it } Assign(FromF, 'MyFile.Dat'); { Record size = 1 } Buf[1] := 'a'; Buf[2] := 'b'; Ch := 'c'; Rewrite(FromF,1); BlockWrite(FromF,Ch,SizeOf(Ch),NumWritten); Close(FromF); Reset(FromF, 1); { Open output file and write to it and read from it } BlockWrite(FromF,Buf,SizeOf(Buf),NumWritten); BlockRead(FromF,Ch,SizeOf(Ch),NumRead); Close(FromF); end. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:35 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99