Technical Notes Database TN727D.txt READING CHARACTERS DIRECTLY FROM SCREEN Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 4.0+ Description: Q. How can I read characters directly from the screen in Turbo Pascal? A. The operation can be done though it is not implemented directly. A useful function outlined below can be used to read characters directly from the screen. The program using this function must use the DOS unit and the CRT unit. function GetChar(x,y: integer): char; var r: Registers; tx,ty: Integer; begin tx:=wherex; ty:=wherey; r.ah:=8;; {Current video page; 0 is default} GotoXy(x,y); intr(16,r);; GotoXy(tx,ty); end; Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:35 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99