Technical Notes Database TN781D.txt GRAPH DETECT VIDEO CARD AUTODETECT HARDWARE Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 4.0+ Description: Q. How can I detect what kind of video card my computer has using Turbo Pascal? A. The Graph unit of Turbo Pascal has an autodetection scheme built-in which will allow you to detect what kind of graphics hardware is available at runtime. See the following example: Program AutoDetectGraphics; Uses Graph; var gd,gm: integer; Procedure InitializeGraphics; begin gd:=Detect; InitGraph(gd,gm,''); OutTextXY(20,20,'Graphics Test!'); readln; CloseGraph; end; { InitializeGraphics } Procedure DetectGraphics(var driver, mode: integer); begin DetectGraph(driver,mode); end; { DetectGraphics } begin { MAIN } DetectGraphics(gd,gm); writeln('Detected: '); writeln(' GraphDriver = ',gd); writeln(' GraphMode = ',gm); readln; InitializeGraphics; end. { End of Program } Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:35 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99