Technical Notes Database TN787D.txt REVERSE VIDEO WITH GRAPH UNIT Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 4.0+ Description: Q. How do you reverse the background color with the foreground color with the Graph unit routines? A. To create reverse video in graphics mode: 1. Set the background color: SetBkColor(6). The background color is now brown. 2. Set the palette so that the background and foreground colors won't be the same: SetPalette(6,0). 3. Set the foreground color: SetColor(6). To restore, either: 1. Use GetPalette(P) before creating reverse video and restore with SetPalette(P), or 2. a) Set the background color: SetBkColor(0). The background color is back to black. b) Return the palette to its original state: SetPalette(6,20). Note that these procedures work only in graphics mode. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:35 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99