Technical Notes Database TN799D.txt HIDING THE CURSOR DOS INTERRUPTS Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 3.0+ Description: Q. How can I hide the cursor using 3.0 or 4.0+? A. Uses DOS Interrupt $10 to hide the text cursor. For example: Procedure SetCursor(On: boolean); var Reg: Registers; { type Registers is defined within } { DOS unit of TP 4.0+ } begin Reg.AX:= $0100; Reg.BX:= 0; if On then Reg.CX:= $0B0C { $0607 if on color monitor } else Reg.CX:= $2020; Intr($10,Reg); end; { SetCursor } Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:36 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99