Technical Information Database TI820D.txt - Trouble running Delphi programs from Delphi Category :Install Issues Platform :All Windows Product :All32Bit, Description: Delphi Integrated Debugger -------------------------- Delphi's integrated debugger is a feature of the IDE that allows you to execute, step, trace, and otherwise debug your Delphi applications. By default, Delphi's integrated debugger is enabled (via Options|Project|Integrated Debugging) on startup of Delphi. The debugger handles certain interrupts and operating system debugger hooks in an effort to trap General Protection Faults and other types of exceptions. Other programs that attempt to handle exceptions in the same way will quite possibly conflict with the integrated debugger. DataSafe is one example of a program that conficts with the integrated debugger. Classic symptoms include, Delphi not recognizing that you've stopped your program and getting kicked into DOS without warning at various stages. To test for a debugger conflict, compiling the program from Delphi, and run it from File Manager. If it runs, then disable the integrated debugger, and run your application. If it still runs, then the problem is most likely a conflict between the exception-handling software and the integrated debugger. There are two ways to fix this. The first is to remove the conflicting software. The other is to disable the integrated debugger by un-selecting Options|Enviroment|Integrated Debugging. Reference: 4/1/99 11:45:06 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99