Technical Information Database TI844D.txt - Passing a Variable to a ReportSmith Report Category :Delphi 1.x Platform :All Windows Product : Description: The following code demonstrates how to pass variables to a ReportSmith report. Note: this technical information sheet assumes that you know how to create a report that includes report variables. For additional information see chapter four of the ReportSmith manual 'Creating Reports' that shipped with Delphi. In this case we are assigning a value ('CA') to a string report variable named 'state'. ReportSmith Code: This is the info in the ReportVariables Dialog box in ReportSmith. You can get to this dialog from the reportsmith menu by choosing Tools | Report Query and pushing the Report Variables button. Name: state Type: string Title: state var Prompt: Enter your favorite state. Entry: type-in Report Variables: state ; Note this variable and the value it holds are both case sensitive when passed to ReportSmith. Delphi Code: This code assumes that you have placed a TReport component on your form named 'Report1' and set the ReportName property to the name of the report that will be accepting the variable as defined above. Place the following code in the OnClick Method of a pushbutton on your form. I use a pushbutton for simplicity, but this code could just as easily be triggered by any other event. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var s: string; begin s:='CA'; Report1.InitialValues.Add(' state=<'+s+'>');; end; Reference: 3/31/99 10:30:46 AM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99