Technical Information Database TI856D.txt - Redistributing the 16 bit Borland Database Engine Category :Delphi 1.x Platform :All-32Bit Product : Description: Follow the following steps in order to deploy the redistributable BDE engine on a target machine: 1) Format two diskettes in the diskette drive of the target machine. Label the diskettes "Disk 1" and "Disk 2". 2) From the DELPHI CD, Copy the \REDIST\BDEINST\DISK1 directory to the diskette labeled "Disk 1" and \REDIST\BDEINST\DISK2 to the diskette "Disk 2". 3) Insert the diskette labeled "BDE Install 1" to a floppy drive (We'll use drive A: in this example) of the target machine. 4) Make sure there are no other programs running in Windows. From the Windows Program Manager select File|Run, enter "A:\DISK1\SETUP" in the space labeled "Command Line" and press "OK" to begin install of the Borland Database Engine on the target machine. 5) A dialog labeled "Database Engine Install" will appear briefly, then a dialog labeled "preparing to install...", and finally a background screen labeled "BDE Redistributable" will appear along with a dialog allowing you to Continue or Exit. Press "Continue". 6) A dialog "Borland Database Engine Location Settings" will appear and allow you to change the path for BDE programs and configuration file. Leave the default settings at and press "Continue". 7) The "Borland Database Engine Installation" dialog will appear and allow you to display previous dialogs, or execute the install. Press "Install". 8) Installation progress will display while files from the "Disk 1" diskette are processed. 9) The "BDE Redistributable Install Request" dialog will appear. Load the diskette labeled "Disk 2". Press "continue". 10) On completion, the "Borland Database Engine Installation Notification" dialog will inform you that BDE is installed. Press "Exit". 11) Exit Windows, remove any floppy disks from your drives and reboot the target machine. If default settings were used, changes listed below will have taken place. Two new directories, \IDAPI, and \IDAPI\LANGDRV will exist on the target machine. Note that the BDE Configuration Utility, BDECFG.EXE is located in the \IDAPI directory. Language drivers will now be located in \IDAPI\LANGDRV as *.LD files. AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, AND SYSTEM.INI will not be affected. WIN.INI in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory will have new entries: [IDAPI] DLLPATH=C:\IDAPI CONFIGFILE01=C:\IDAPI\IDAPI.CFG [Borland Language Drivers] LDPath=C:\IDAPI\LANGDRV Reference: 4/22/99 12:27:23 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99