Technical Information Database TI904D.txt Managing disk volume labels in Delphi Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Delphi 1.0 Description: This document contains the source code for a unit that is useful for getting, setting, and deleting volume labels from a floppy or hard disk. The code for getting a volume label uses the Delphi FindFirst function, and the code for setting and deleting volume labels involves calling DOS interrupt 21h, functions 16h and 13h respectively. Since function 16h isn't supported by Windows, it must be called through DPMI interrupt 31h, function 300h. { *** BEGIN CODE FOR VOLLABEL UNIT *** } unit VolLabel; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, WinProcs; type EInterruptError = class(Exception); EDPMIError = class(EInterruptError); Str11 = String[11]; procedure SetVolumeLabel(NewLabel: Str11; Drive: Char); function GetVolumeLabel(Drive: Char): Str11; procedure DeleteVolumeLabel(Drv: Char); implementation type PRealModeRegs = ^TRealModeRegs; TRealModeRegs = record case Integer of 0: ( EDI, ESI, EBP, EXX, EBX, EDX, ECX, EAX: Longint; Flags, ES, DS, FS, GS, IP, CS, SP, SS: Word); 1: ( DI, DIH, SI, SIH, BP, BPH, XX, XXH: Word; case Integer of 0: ( BX, BXH, DX, DXH, CX, CXH, AX, AXH: Word); 1: ( BL, BH, BLH, BHH, DL, DH, DLH, DHH, CL, CH, CLH, CHH, AL, AH, ALH, AHH: Byte)); end; PExtendedFCB = ^TExtendedFCB; TExtendedFCB = Record ExtendedFCBflag : Byte; Reserved1 : array[1..5] of Byte; Attr : Byte; DriveID : Byte; FileName : array[1..8] of Char; FileExt : array[1..3] of Char; CurrentBlockNum : Word; RecordSize : Word; FileSize : LongInt; PackedDate : Word; PackedTime : Word; Reserved2 : array[1..8] of Byte; CurrentRecNum : Byte; RandomRecNum : LongInt; end; procedure RealModeInt(Int: Byte; var Regs: TRealModeRegs); { procedure invokes int 31h function 0300h to simulate a real mode } { interrupt from protected mode. } var ErrorFlag: Boolean; begin asm mov ErrorFlag, 0 { assume success } mov ax, 0300h { function 300h } mov bl, Int { real mode interrupt to execute } mov bh, 0 { required } mov cx, 0 { stack words to copy, assume zero } les di, Regs { es:di = Regs } int 31h { DPMI int 31h } jnc End { carry flag set on error } Error: mov ErrorFlag, 1 { return false on error } End: end; if ErrorFlag then raise EDPMIError.Create('Failed to execute DPMI interrupt'); end; function DriveLetterToNumber(DriveLet: Char): Byte; { function converts a character drive letter into its numerical equiv. } begin if DriveLet in ['a'..'z'] then DriveLet := Chr(Ord(DriveLet) -32); if not (DriveLet in ['A'..'Z']) then raise EConvertError.CreateFmt('Cannot convert %s to drive number', [DriveLet]); Result := Ord(DriveLet) - 64; end; procedure PadVolumeLabel(var Name: Str11); { procedure pads Volume Label string with spaces } var i: integer; begin for i := Length(Name) + 1 to 11 do Name := Name + ' '; end; function GetVolumeLabel(Drive: Char): Str11; { function returns volume label of a disk } var SR: TSearchRec; DriveLetter: Char; SearchString: String[7]; P: Byte; begin SearchString := Drive + ':\*.*'; { find vol label } if FindFirst(SearchString, faVolumeID, SR) = 0 then begin P := Pos('.', SR.Name); if P > 0 then begin { if it has a dot... } Result := ' '; { pad spaces between name } Move(SR.Name[1], Result[1], P - 1); { and extension } Move(SR.Name[P + 1], Result[9], 3); end else begin Result := SR.Name; { otherwise, pad to end } PadVolumeLabel(Result); end; end else Result := ''; end; procedure DeleteVolumeLabel(Drv: Char); { procedure deletes volume label from given drive } var CurName: Str11; FCB: TExtendedFCB; ErrorFlag: WordBool; begin ErrorFlag := False; CurName := GetVolumeLabel(Drv); { get current volume label } FillChar(FCB, SizeOf(FCB), 0); { initialize FCB with zeros } with FCB do begin ExtendedFCBflag := $FF; { always } Attr := faVolumeID; { Volume ID attribute } DriveID := DriveLetterToNumber(Drv); { Drive number } Move(CurName[1], FileName, 8); { must enter volume label } Move(CurName[9], FileExt, 3); end; asm push ds { preserve ds } mov ax, ss { put seg of FCB (ss) in ds } mov ds, ax lea dx, FCB { put offset of FCB in dx } mov ax, 1300h { function 13h } Call DOS3Call { invoke int 21h } pop ds { restore ds } cmp al, 00h { check for success } je End Error: { set flag on error } mov ErrorFlag, 1 End: end; if ErrorFlag then raise EInterruptError.Create('Failed to delete volume name'); end; procedure SetVolumeLabel(NewLabel: Str11; Drive: Char); { procedure sets volume label of a disk. Note that this procedure } { deletes the current label before setting the new one. This is } { required for the set function to work. } var Regs: TRealModeRegs; FCB: PExtendedFCB; Buf: Longint; begin PadVolumeLabel(NewLabel); if GetVolumeLabel(Drive) <> '' then { if has label... } DeleteVolumeLabel(Drive); { delete label } Buf := GlobalDOSAlloc(SizeOf(PExtendedFCB)); { allocate real buffer } FCB := Ptr(LoWord(Buf), 0); FillChar(FCB^, SizeOf(FCB), 0); { init FCB with zeros } with FCB^ do begin ExtendedFCBflag := $FF; { required } Attr := faVolumeID; { Volume ID attribute } DriveID := DriveLetterToNumber(Drive); { Drive number } Move(NewLabel[1], FileName, 8); { set new label } Move(NewLabel[9], FileExt, 3); end; FillChar(Regs, SizeOf(Regs), 0); with Regs do begin { SEGMENT of FCB } ds := HiWord(Buf); { offset = zero } dx := 0; ax := $1600; { function 16h } end; RealModeInt($21, Regs); { create file } if ( <> 0) then { check for success } raise EInterruptError.Create('Failed to create volume label'); end; end. { *** END CODE FOR VOLLABEL UNIT *** } Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:56 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99