Technical Notes Database TN906D.txt UPGRADING 3.0 TO 4.0+ PROBLEMS Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 3.0+ Description: Q. What Turbo Pascal 3.0 code will cause the most problems converting to version 4.0+? A. With our UPGRADE program (see appropriate Appendix in your manual), it's not very difficult to port your code to 4.0+. It depends a lot on the type of programs you write. The passing of parameters on the stack is done much more efficiently now, so changes will have to be made to inline machine code and assembly language. Most of the changes are optional: using new types, breaking your program into modules to take advantage of separate compilation. (The UPGRADE program has a special option to help you "unitize" your program too. It does all the "typing" for you.) Some stricter type-checking is performed in version 4.0+. For example, the Dos unit now defines the often- seen registers record type (AX, BX...); MsDos and Intr now take this type. In this case, you can typecast or change the type identifier and recompile. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:37 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99