Technical Information Database TI910D.txt How to copy files in Delphi. Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Delphi 1.0 Description: Q: How do I copy a file? A: Here are three ways: {This way uses a File stream.} Procedure FileCopy( Const sourcefilename, targetfilename: String ); Var S, T: TFileStream; Begin S := TFileStream.Create( sourcefilename, fmOpenRead ); try T := TFileStream.Create( targetfilename, fmOpenWrite or fmCreate ); try T.CopyFrom(S, S.Size ) ; finally T.Free; end; finally S.Free; end; End; {This way uses memory blocks for read/write.} procedure FileCopy(const FromFile, ToFile: string); var FromF, ToF: file; NumRead, NumWritten: Word; Buf: array[1..2048] of Char; begin AssignFile(FromF, FromFile); Reset(FromF, 1); { Record size = 1 } AssignFile(ToF, ToFile); { Open output file } Rewrite(ToF, 1); { Record size = 1 } repeat BlockRead(FromF, Buf, SizeOf(Buf), NumRead); BlockWrite(ToF, Buf, NumRead, NumWritten); until (NumRead = 0) or (NumWritten <> NumRead); CloseFile(FromF); CloseFile(ToF); end; {This one uses LZCopy, which USES LZExpand.} procedure CopyFile(FromFileName, ToFileName: string); var FromFile, ToFile: File; begin AssignFile(FromFile, FromFileName); { Assign FromFile to FromFileName } AssignFile(ToFile, ToFileName); { Assign ToFile to ToFileName } Reset(FromFile); { Open file for input } try Rewrite(ToFile); { Create file for output } try { copy the file an if a negative value is returned } { raise an exception } if LZCopy(TFileRec(FromFile).Handle, TFileRec(ToFile).Handle) < 0 then raise EInOutError.Create('Error using LZCopy') finally CloseFile(ToFile); { Close ToFile } end; finally CloseFile(FromFile); { Close FromFile } end; end; Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:56 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99