Technical Notes Database TN934D.txt DEBUGGER - POINTERS CORRUPTING MEMORY? Category :Pascal Platform :All Product :Turbo Pascal 5.0 5.5 Description: Q. How can I tell if a pointer could be corrupting my code or data segments? A. Normally, pointers point to areas located in Turbo Pascal's heap. You can determine if a pointer is pointing outside of the heap by comparing its segment value to that of HEAPORG (a predefined pointer establishing the beginning of normal heap space). This comparison is best done by placing a Watch on both HEAPORG and any pointers that you suspicious of. If your pointers have segment values less than that of HEAPORG when an assignment is made to them then memory corruption is likely. To correct the situation, ensure that all pointers are initialized with either the NEW or GETMEM procedures. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:37 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99