Technical Information Database TI938D.txt Basic Delphi DLL template Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Delphi 1.0 Description: DLL sample Without units First the DLL "framework" that you wanted, save as DLLFRAME.DPR: {---------------------DLLFRAME.DPR--------------------------} library Dllframe; uses WinTypes; function GetString : string ; export ; begin Result := 'Hello from the DLL!' ; end; exports GetString; begin end. {-----------------------------------------------------------} Now here's the calling program, save it as DLLCALL.DPR: {---------------------DLLCALL.DPR---------------------------} program Dllcall; uses Dialogs; {$R *.RES} function GetString : string ; far ; external 'DLLFRAME' ; begin MessageDlg( GetString, mtInformation, [ mbOK ], 0 ) ; end. With units Here's the calling program, save it as DLLCALL.DPR: {---------------------DLLCALL.DPR---------------------------} program Dllcall; uses Dialogs; {$R *.RES} function GetString : string ; far ; external 'MyDLL' ; begin MessageDlg( GetString, mtInformation, [ mbOK ], 0 ) ; end. {-----------------------------------------------------------} The DLL "framework" that you wanted, save as DLLFRAME.DPR: {---------------------DLLFRAME.DPR--------------------------} library Dllframe; uses DLLUnit; exports GetString; begin end. {-----------------------------------------------------------} The unit we will save as dllunit.pas: {---------------------dllunit.pas--------------------------} unit DLLUnit; interface uses WinTypes; function GetString: string; export; implementation function GetString: string; begin GetString := 'Hello from the DLL!' ; end ; begin end. Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:57 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99