Technical Information Database TI1004D.txt string manipulation routines Category :Object Pascal Platform :All Product :Delphi All Description: Here are some standard string manipulation functions: {To determine if the character is a digit.} function IsDigit(ch: char): boolean; begin Result := ch in ['0'..'9']; end; {To determine if the character is an uppercase letter.} function IsUpper(ch: char): boolean; begin Result := ch in ['A'..'Z']; end; {To determine if the character is an lowercase letter.} function IsLower(ch: char): boolean; begin Result := ch in ['a'..'z']; end; {Changes a character to an uppercase letter.} function ToUpper(ch: char): char; begin Result := chr(ord(ch) and $DF); end; {Changes a character to a lowercase letter.} function ToLower(ch: char): char; begin Result := chr(ord(ch) or $20); end; { Capitalizes first letter of every word in s } function Proper(const s: string): string; var i: Integer; CapitalizeNextLetter: Boolean; begin Result := LowerCase(s); CapitalizeNextLetter := True; for i := 1 to Length(Result) do begin if CapitalizeNextLetter and IsLower(Result[i]) then Result[i] := ToUpper(Result[i]); CapitalizeNextLetter := Result[i] = ' '; end; end; { NOTE: The following functions are available in Delphi 2.0, but not in Delphi 1.0. } {Supresses trailing blanks in a string.} function TrimRight(const s: string): string; var i: integer; begin i := Length(s); while (I > 0) and (s[i] <= ' ') do Dec(i); Result := Copy(s, 1, i); end; {Removes the leading spaces from a string.} function TrimLeft(const S: string): string; var I, L: Integer; begin L := Length(S); I := 1; while (I <= L) and (S[I] <= ' ') do Inc(I); Result := Copy(S, I, Maxint); end; { Removes leading and trailing whitespace from s); function Trim(const S: string): string; var I, L: Integer; begin L := Length(S); I := 1; while (I <= L) and (S[I] <= ' ') do Inc(I); if I > L then Result := '' else begin while S[L] <= ' ' do Dec(L); Result := Copy(S, I, L - I + 1); end; end; Reference: 7/16/98 4:33:59 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99