Technical Information Database TI1027D.txt - Manually Installing Delphi Category :Delphi 1.x Platform :All Windows Product : Description: To manually install Delphi you should first copy the entire run-image directory off of the CD-ROM onto you hard-drive. This is one of the main directories on the delphi CD-ROM. This includes copying all the files from the run-image\windows to your local \windows directory and the \windows\system files into your \windows\system directory, UNLESS you have NT. If you have NT you will want to do as above, but do not overwrite any existing files. It is important that if you have another Borland DataBase product that you Z-copy the \idapi directory from the run-image ONTO the existing \idapi directory on your computer. To manually install delphi you first need to add the following lines to your win.ini (this is all dependent on which drive/directory that you copied the run-image to): [IDAPI] DLLPATH=C:\IDAPI CONFIGFILE01=C:\IDAPI\IDAPI.CFG [Borland Language Drivers] LDPath=C:\IDAPI\LANGDRV [BWCC] BitmapLibrary=BWCC.DLL [Interbase] RootDirectory=C:\IBLOCAL [Paradox Engine] UserName=PxEngine NetNamePath=C:\ RecBufs=64 MaxLocks=64 MaxFiles=64 SwapSize=64 [DDE Servers] DBD=C:\DBD\DBD [DBD] WORKDIR=C:\DBD PRIVDIR=C:\DBD\DBDPRIV You will also want to add the following lines to your autoexec.bat file: rem add the following if it they are not already present rem you only need share if using windows 3.1 Share /f:4096 /l:40 path=%path%;c:\iblocal\bin; These are once again dependent on the exact drive/directory that you copied the run-image to. You will now want to download the file from our download BBS or from the web site. This file will create the Icons and the Delphi Program Group. Reference: 3/30/99 1:06:06 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99