Article #16039: Handling " system error cannot read cdrom.bmp"

 Technical Information Database

TI1039D.txt   Handling " system error cannot read cdrom.bmp"
Category   :General Programming
Platform    :All
Product    :Pascal  All

If you recieve the system error " system error cannot 
write to device CD-ROM" while writing to the file cdrom.bmp and
you recieve the options to cancel or to retry do the following.

1. Back up the autoexec.batand the config.sys file in preparation
for editing them. 

2. Search the autoexec.bat for the lines "mcsex\d:cdrom". Change
"cdrom" to "MyCDROM". Search the config.sys for a reference to 
"cdrom" and then make the same substitution in this file.

3. Be sure and save the changes when exiting the editor and then
reboot the system.

This problem is a conflict between MSDOS and MSWINDOWS. 


7/16/98 4:33:59 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99