Technical Information Database TI1075D.txt Loading a Custom Cursor from a RES File Category :VCL Platform :All Product :Delphi All Description: Q: How do I use one of the cursor files in the c:\delphi\images\cursors? A: Use the image editor to load the cursor into a RES file. The following example assumes that you saved the cursor in the RES file as "cursor_1", and you save the RES file as MYFILE.RES. (*** BEGIN CODE ***) {$R c:\programs\delphi\MyFile.res} { This is your RES file } const PutTheCursorHere_Dude = 1; { arbitrary positive number } procedure stuff; begin screen.cursors[PutTheCursorHere_Dude] := LoadCursor(hInstance, PChar('cursor_1')); screen.cursor := PutTheCursorHere_Dude; end; Reference: 7/16/98 4:34:00 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99