Article #16209: Using the 80X87 emulator in TPW.

 Technical Notes Database

TN1209D.txt   Using the 80X87 emulator in TPW.
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :Turbo Pascal  1.0

 Must TPW a the math coprocessor?

  Windows implements its own 80x87 instruction emulator as a DLL that is
loaded when an 80x87 instruction is detected.  The reason that the '87 code
generation is an option is speed:  emulators are always slower than the 
real hardware, and slower than using the 6 byte reals.  If you need double,
or  extended reals, or Comp integers, then you must turn on '87 
code generation, and Windows will adjust itself to compensate if there 
is no '87 hardware when the program is running.  You do not need a 
coprocessor to compile or run the program.


7/16/98 4:35:42 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99