Technical Information Database TI1219D.txt - Delphi 2.0 for Windows 95 & Windows NT Factsheet Category :Delphi 2.x Platform :All-32Bit Product :Delphi2.x, Description: Delphi 2.0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT Factsheet Delphi 2.0 is the only Rapid Application Development tool that combines the performance of the world's fastest optimizing 32-bit native-code compiler, the productivity of visual component-based design, and the flexibility of scalable database architecture in a robust object-oriented environment. "The most exciting new programming tool. Delphi combines the intuitive ease of a visual programming tool with the power of a true compiler." -PC Magazine, January 1996 The fastest way to the fastest 32-bit applications -------------------------------------------------- Now, whether you are a beginning programmer, professional developer, or client/server developer, there is a version of Delphi that is right for you. Introducing Delphi Desktop 2.0, Delphi Developer 2.0, and Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0. Delphi 2.0 for Windows 95 and Windows NT combines the most intuitive visual design environment and scalable database tools with the world's fastest optimizing 32-bit native-code compiler. The NEW! high-performance, optimizing 32-bit native-code compiler creates standalone executables that are up to 300 to 400% faster than 16-bit Delphi applications, and up to 15 to 50 times faster than applications built with p-code interpreters. Create fast, standalone, royalty-free EXEs with no runtime interpreter DLLs required. Only Delphi 2.0 brings the power of true 32-bit development to a visual environment. The 32-bit architecture eliminates all 16-bit memory restrictions, enabling you to build strings and data structures up to two gigabytes. Delphi 2.0 includes FREE! Delphi 1.0 for 16-bit Windows 3.1 application development, making it a complete solution no matter where your Windows-based applications reside today. A simple recompile allows rapid migration of 16-bit applications to 32 bits, preserving your existing investment in code. Reuse: The key to productivity ------------------------------ The NEW! 32-bit Visual Component Library (VCL) includes more than 90 customizable, reusable components and a dozen NEW! Windows 95 components, so you can drag-and-drop your way to your first 32-bit application in no time. Everything from tree views and list boxes, to notebook tabs, grids, and multimedia controls, is right at your fingertips. You can easily modify and reuse Delphi components and OCX controls, saving time and boosting productivity. FREE! Quick Reports components allow you to easily create, preview, and print simple embedded reports. NEW! Visual Form Inheritance maximizes reuse, simplifies the implementation of standards, and makes code maintenance easier. Visual Form Inheritance lets you visually create new forms that inherit all properties from another form. Create reusable DLLs easily ----------------------------- Build DLLs in Delphi and use them with C++, Paradox,(R) Visual Basic, and other tools. And gain tighter integration between all of your Borland(R) C++ and Delphi applications with NEW! support for OBJ files and COM objects. Raising the bar in Rapid Application Development ------------------------------------------------ The object-oriented architecture and Two-Way-Tools(TM) in Delphi maximize productivity. Everything you do visually is automatically reflected in code. The NEW! centralized Object Repository stores forms, Data Module Objects, and business rules for reuse. Any new application can inherit, use, or copy an existing structure so you can pick the architecture that best fits your development needs. NEW! Data Module Objects act as your application's information core, allowing you to define data sources, store relationships, and apply business rules to your database. You can separate your business rules from application code for easier maintenance. A comprehensive suite of visual design and debugging tools accelerate development so you move seamlessly from prototype to production. The NEW! multi-error compile with hints and warnings helps you resolve errors faster. Programmers can jump to and fix multiple problems in a single compile. For quick and easy debugging of even your largest applications, the new compiler even catches logic errors like empty loops, uninitialized pointers, and unused variables. Unleash the power of Windows 95 and Windows NT ---------------------------------------------- Delphi 2.0 provides complete access to Windows 95 and NT APIs including multi-threading, MAPI, and Unicode, so you can leverage the power of the 32-bit operating system. NEW! OCX support lets you drag-and-drop OCX controls directly into your applications from the Delphi Component Palette. Delphi also lets you subclass OCXs for easy customization. You can also integrate OLE-enabled applications like Visual Basic, Excel, Borland C++, and Paradox, with NEW! OLE Automation controller and server support. Drag-and-drop database development ---------------------------------- Create high-performance, scalable database applications with integrated database support. NEW! data-aware controls let you manipulate live data at design time. Simply select the fields, and Delphi instantly builds the connections. Let Delphi 2.0 do the database work for you with NEW! Fast Filters and Smart Lookups. Fast Filters make viewing a specific subset of your data as fast and easy as changing a property. Smart Lookups automatically provide a dropdown box to seamlessly display data from multiple tables. The NEW! Database Explorer allows you to visually browse and manage tables and aliases without leaving the Delphi IDE. NEW! 32-bit Borland(R) Database Engine (BDE) includes a new query engine and takes advantage of 32-bit flat address space for increased performance. It provides direct access to Visual dBASE(R) and Paradox tables, and forms a solid foundation for all your database applications. Delphi Developer: The choice for professional programmers --------------------------------------------------------- If you are building sophisticated, multiuser LAN or corporate database applications, you need Delphi Developer 2.0. It provides all the power of Delphi Desktop 2.0, plus a comprehensive set of professional programming tools. Powerful programming tools -------------------------- The VCL Source Code lets you easily modify native Delphi components, and build your own custom components. Also included are sample OCXs for graphing, charting, spreadsheet, and spell-checking. Easily add your favorite custom development tools directly to the Delphi environment with the NEW! Open Tools API. Interact with CASE tools or link to your favorite editor--whatever you need to be your most productive. Build sophisticated, professional reports using live data at design time with the NEW! 32-bit ReportSmith.(R) When you're ready to distribute your applications, the integrated install utility, InstallShield(R) Express, instantly builds a professional installation program for even your most complex database applications. Advanced database power ----------------------- Quickly establish and maintain data integrity with the NEW! scalable Data Dictionary. It stores customized information about the data in your tables, extended field attributes like min, max, default values, display preferences, and edit masks. Easily build detailed views of your data with the NEW! Multi-Object Grid. It provides codeless support for quick searching and automatic lookups, and lets you decide whether data appears in rows or individual panels. Panel views support multiple dropdowns, check boxes, and edit fields. Leverage the power of the NEW! 32-bit BDE with complete access to the BDE API and help files. You also get complete ODBC connectivity. Complete scalability -------------------- The scalable NEW! 32-bit Local InterBase(R) Server is included for economical off-line development and testing, and for building standalone ANSI SQL-92 compliant applications. Delphi Client/Server Suite: Gain the competitive advantage ---------------------------------------------------------- Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0 gives you a complete suite of tools to build scalable, high-performance client and server applications for Windows 95, Windows NT, and Windows 3.1. Deploy royalty-free applications across corporate database servers using the NEW! 32-bit SQL Links high-performance native drivers for InterBase, Oracle, Sybase, and MS SQL Server. Visually browse and modify server-specific meta data including stored procedures, triggers, event alerters, and domains with the NEW! SQL Database Explorer. Gain optimum performance by testing, debugging, and tuning your SQL applications with the NEW! SQL Monitor. Build and test sophisticated multiuser client/server applications with NEW! InterBase NT database server (2-user license). Use the NEW! Visual Query Builder to visually create complex database queries and automatically generate bug-free ANSI SQL-92 commands. NEW! Cached Updates increase server responsiveness by reducing the amount of network traffic between client and server. Scale networked applications and move data between formats and host platforms with the NEW! Data Pump Expert. Manage complex team projects with sophisticated source code check-in, check-out, and version control using the NEW! integrated PVCS Version Manager. Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0 shortens every stage of the development cycle, allowing you to respond to changing business needs, and gain the competitive advantage. Delphi 2.0 Specifications and system requirements ------------------------------------------------- Optimizing Native-Code Compiler * Compiles at more than 350,000 lines per minute * Create fast standalone EXEs with no runtime interpreter Dynamic Link Library (DLL) * Applications run up to 15 to 50 times faster than interpreted p-code * Create DLLs that work with C++, Visual dBASE, Paradox, Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, and others * Full access to Windows 95 and NT APIs * Optimized case statements, sets, 32-bit math operations, string and file routines, and more * Smart Linker removes unused objects and code * Automatic form linking defines uses clauses * Advanced math library for extended statistical and financial analysis Visual Component Library (VCL) * More than 90 reusable components * Support for the latest Microsoft systems technologies including OCX, OLE Automation controller and server, MAPI, and ODBC * Standard components for menus, buttons, masked edit fields, panels, graphics, notebook tabs, grids, outlines, list boxes, and more * "Live" design-time data access * VCL Source Code available separately Object Pascal Language * Structured, object-oriented language * Supports inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation * Control over privacy with Public, Private, Protected, and Published reserved words * Create components with properties and events * Use inheritance to customize any object * Runtime type information and object persistence * Automatic, extensible exception handling * Support for open arrays, user-defined types, objects, and pointers * Support for delegation and class references Borland Database Engine * High-performance engine with native drivers for Visual dBASE, Paradox, and Local InterBase Server * Fully scalable support for migrating applications from desktop to client/server * Royalty-free deployment of database engine * ODBC support for Access, Btrieve, Excel, DB2, AS/400, Ingres, HP ALBASE/SQL, and gateways like IBM DDCS/2, Micro Decisionware, and Sybase Net-gateway (available separately) * Local InterBase is a high-performance ANSI SQL-92 conformant SQL database server Documentation and Help * More than 5Mb of online help * Manuals: Getting Started, Object Pascal Language Guide, Delphi User's Guide, Component Writer's Guide, and Database Application Developer's Guide Minimum System Requirements * Intel 486-based PC or higher * Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT * 8Mb of extended memory or higher * 50Mb hard disk space * CD-ROM drive (3.5" disks available separately) Networks Supported * Any Microsoft Windows 95 or NT-compatible networks The fastest way to the fastest Windows 95/NT Delphi Delphi Delphi applications Desktop Developer C/S Suite ---------------------------- ------- --------- ---------- Optimizing 32-bit native code X X X compiler 32-bit Borland Database Engine (BDE) X X X Create reusable DLLs and X X X royalty-free, standalone EXEs that are up to 15 to 50 times faster than p-code interpreters Full Windows 95/NT support for OLE X X X Automation controllers, servers, and OLE Controls (OCXs) Complete access to Windows 95/NT X X X APIs for multi-threading, Unicode, long filenames, MAPI, and more Complete suite of Windows 95 X X X common controls Integrated Development Environment X X X Object-oriented, fully extensible X X X component architecture Object Repository for storing and X X X reusing forms, Data Modules, and DLLs Visual Form Inheritance to reduce X X X coding and simplify maintenance Visual Component Library (VCL) X X X with more than 90 reusable components Data-aware components for drag- X X X and-drop database applications Data Module Objects to separate X X X business rules from application code Database Explorer to visually X X X browse and modify tables, aliases, and indexes FREE! Quick Reports to easily X X X create, preview, and print embedded reports FREE! 16-bit Delphi 1.0 for X X X Windows 3.1 Deployment Complete documentation including X X X Object Pascal Language Guide VCL Source Code and manual to X X develop or customize components Scalable Data Dictionary to X X implement and maintain data integrity Complete ODBC connectivity X X Additional components like the X X Multi-Object Grid 32-bit Local InterBase Server for X X off-line scalable SQL development 32-bit ReportSmith for sophisticated X X reporting InstallShield Express for building X X professional installs WinSight(TM) 32 for monitoring Windows X X messaging BDE low-level API support and Help X X files Expanded Open Tools API to integrate X X your favorite tools Team development interface (requires X X InterSolv PVCS) Versatile sample OCXs for charting, X X graphics, spreadsheet, and spell-checking 32-bit SQL Links native drivers, with X unlimited deployment license for Oracle, Sybase, Informix, MS SQL Server, and InterBase InterBase NT (2-user license) for X scalable multiuser SQL development SQL Database Explorer to visually X manage server-specific meta data SQL Monitor to test, debug, and tune X SQL applications Integrated InterSolv PVCS Version X Manager for team development Visual Query Builder to generate X bug-free SQL code Cached Updates to speed up server X response time Data Pump Expert for rapid upsizing X and application scaling Reference: 3/30/99 1:07:38 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99