Article #16221: TPW 1.0 Hot Sheet.

 Technical Notes Database

TN1221D.txt   TPW  1.0 Hot Sheet.
Category   :Pascal
Platform    :All
Product    :Turbo Pascal  1.0

Turbo Pascal for Windows 1.0 Hot Sheet.

Feature Highlights
NEW! state-of-the-art Windows integrated development environment

     Runs under Windows 
     Multiple editor windows
     Full Mouse Support
     Supports TP6 type hot keys
     Multi-file editor that can edit files up to 1MB
     complete save and restore of desktop

NEW! ObjectWindow library - Built in support for Windows, Menus,
Dialogs, Buttons, List boxes, Edit fields, Icons and more.  All
for use in your applications.

NEW! Full access to all Windows API functions and messages.

NEW! Fully Supports creation of DLLs.

NEW! Turbo Debugger for Windows

     Supports Windows messages
     Advanced breakpoints
     Reverse execution
     Automatic DLL debugging
     Object browser and inspectors
     Single and dual monitor support

INCLUDED! Whitewater Resource Toolkit - Visually create Dialogs,
Menus, Icons, Bitmaps and String resources.

INCLUDED! Resource Compiler

INCLUDED! Windows Help Compiler

Full featured inline assembler (BASM)

Private fields and methods in object declarations

Extended syntax directive ($X) that lets you treat functions like
procedures (and ignore function results)

286 code generation

Address references in typed constants

Far and near procedures directives ($F)

Link in initialized data ($L) from object (OBJ) files

Smart linker removes unused objects and code

complete math coprocessor emulation and support -

NEW! Turbo Help hypertext on-line help facilities, including
references to all Windows API functions and messages.

Turbo Pascal for Windows includes everything you need to create
Windows applications.  It does not require the Microsoft Windows

System Requirements
IBM PC or PS/2 and all 100% compatibles
Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later
2Mb of memory
EGA, Hercules or VGA graphics
Mouse or other pointing device
Hard Disk (Requires 6.5 Meg for full product)

Machine                    Lines/Min
Compaq DeskPro 386/33     84,000

1. User's Guide
2. Programmer's Guide
3. Windows Reference Guide
4. Windows Programming Guide
5. Whitwater Resource Toolkit Users Guide
6. Turbo Debugger for Windows Users Guide
7. Help Compiler Reference Guide

Pricing Information
Turbo Pascal for Windows   $249.95

Special Offer Information
Registered user of ANY BORLAND LANGUAGE PRODUCT $99.95 ***

***Turbo Pascal for Windows is exclusively for Windows
Development and does not replace Turbo Pascal version 6.0.  TP6
is the current product for standard DOS development.  The offer
is not an upgrade it is a limited special offer to our current
Turbo Pascal Customers.


7/16/98 4:35:43 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99