Article #16225: Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0 for Windows 95 & NT

 Technical Information Database

TI1225D.txt - Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0 for Windows 95 & NT

Category   :Delphi 2.x
Platform   :All Windows
Product    :

Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0 for Windows 95 and NT 
Quick Info Guide

Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0 provides you with all the tools
you need to build scalable client and server applications while
shortening every stage of the development cycle everything you
need to boost productivity and gain a competitive advantage.

Scalable client/server architecture

  * Create fast, standalone, royalty-free scalable applications
    that are up to 15 to 50 times faster than p-code interpreters.
  * Unleash the power of Windows 95 and Windows NT with complete
    support for OCXs, OLE Automation, multi-threading, Unicode,
    MAPI, and more.
  * Increase productivity with more than 100 reusable components.
  * Deploy royalty-free applications using the NEW! 32-bit SQL
    Links native drivers for Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server, and
  * Visually manage server-specific meta data like stored
    procedures and triggers with the NEW! SQL Database Explorer.
  * Test, debug, and tune SQL applications with the NEW! SQL
  * Increase server responsiveness with NEW! Cached Updates.
  * Build and test multiuser SQL applications with the NEW!
    InterBase NT (2-user license).
  * Use the NEW! Data Module Objects to separate business rules
    from application code, and scalable NEW! Data Dictionary to
    implement and maintain data integrity.
  * Generate bug-free ANSI SQL-92 code with the Visual Query
  * Manage complex team projects with the NEW! integrated PVCS
    Version Control.

Everything you need to gain a competitive advantage!

  * High-performance, optimizing 32-bit native-code compiler
  * Create reusable DLLs and royalty-free, standalone EXEs
  * Full Windows 95 support for OCX controls, and OLE Automation
    controllers and servers
  * Complete access to Windows 95 APIs for multi-threading,
    Unicode, MAPI, and more
  * Complete suite of Windows 95 components
  * 32-bit SQL Links native drivers, with unlimited deployment
    license for Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server, and InterBase
  * InterBase NT (2-user lic.) for scalable multiuser SQL
  * SQL Database Explorer to visually manage server-specific meta
  * SQL Monitor to test, debug, and tune SQL applications
  * Integrated InterSolv PVCS Version Control for team development
  * Visual Query Builder to generate bug-free SQL code
  * Cached Updates to speed up server response time
  * Data Pump Expert for rapid upsizing and application scaling
  * Object-oriented component architecture
  * Object Repository for storing and reusing objects, business
    rules, and forms
  * Visual Form Inheritance to reduce coding and simplify
  * Integrated Development Environment
  * Visual Component Library (VCL) with more than 100 reusable
  * VCL Source Code and manual to develop or customize components
  * Sophisticated data-aware components
  * 32-bit Borland(R) Database Engine with low-level API support
    and Help files
  * Database Explorer to visually browse and modify tables and
  * Data Module Objects to separate business rules from
    application code for easier maintenance
  * Scalable Data Dictionary to implement and maintain data
  * Complete ODBC connectivity
  * 32-bit Local InterBase Server for off-line SQL development
  * 32-bit ReportSmith(R) for sophisticated reporting
  * InstallShield(R) Express for building professional installs
  * WinSight(TM) to monitor Windows messages
  * Expanded Open Tools API to integrate your favorite tools
  * Complete documentation including Object Pascal Language
  * Includes 16-bit Delphi 1.0 for Windows 3.1 development

Delphi Facts                                              Visual
                                    Delphi  PowerBuilder  Basic
                                    ------  ------------  ------
Optimizing 32-bit native-code          Y         N          N
Create standalone EXEs and DLLs        Y         N          N
Create multi-threaded Windows 95/NT    Y         N          N
Full support for OLE Automation        Y         N          Y
  and OCXs
Includes more than 100 reusable        Y         N          N
Easily build or customize components   Y         N          N
High-performance Visual Form           Y         N          N
Object Repository for forms and        Y         N          N
  Data Modules
Scalable Data Dictionary               Y         N          N
Fully scalable client/server           Y         Y          N
Fast learning curve for increased      Y         N          Y
SQL Database Explorer to visually      Y         N          N
  manage meta data
SQL Monitor to test, debug, and        Y         N          N
  true SQL apps

Minimum System Requirements

   * Intel 486/25-based PC or higher
   * Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51
   * 8Mb of memory (12Mb recommended)
   * 50Mb hard disk space
   * CD-ROM drive
   * Mouse or other Windows pointing device

Borland Delphi Client/Server Suite support services

   * Fast Fax for Detailed Information: 1-800-408-0001
   * TechFax(TM) for Technical Information: 1-800-822-4269
   * Connections Developer Program: 1-800-353-2211
   * Free Install Support: (408) 461-9195
   * Credit Card Advisor Line: 1-800-330-3372
   * 900-Advisor Lines:
        o Delphi and Delphi Client/Server: 1-900-555-1015
        o Local InterBase Server: 1-900-555-1013
        o ReportSmith: 1-900-555-1011
        o For Technical Support Service contracts and
          information: 1-800-523-7070

Satisfaction guaranteed!

You can buy the Delphi Client/Server Suite with complete
assurance. If for any reason you are not fully satisfied
with your purchase, you can return it to Borland within
90 days. No questions asked!

Authorization required to sell these products. Call
1-800-408-0001 to request a client/server authorization
form. Educational pricing is available through Borland
Authorized Educational Resellers. Call 1-800-847-7797.
Advisor Line charges: $2.00 per minute, first minute free.

Borland's DELPHI products and services are not associated
with or sponsored by Delphi Internet, an online service
and Internet access provider.


3/30/99 1:10:37 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99